so i did a search and come up with nothing, does anyone know where the online instructions for the 2.4 blower install are?
the ones i got with my kit are @!#$ and i want the good color ones to print off

the gm instructions are about as good as your going to get dood. i dont see what the big deal is, its not that complicated, really.
because its hard to see wtf's in the the pictures and page 6 is missing on most, i assume. i got mine installed though
2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
the original ones were nice color pics, the new ones are just a photocopy of those so all of the pics are a bitch to see
i heard that someone on here had the directions posted somewhere
ive got them from someone on JBO but they are the 2nd ones that you described.... @!#$ty photocopy look, can barely see the pictures...
2000 Cavalier z24-5 spd, 2.4L
stock....for now, no big things in mind just intake....muffler....short throw shifter...clear climates........supercharger!!!(if i ever get the money lol)
I got the pretty colour pictures in my manual, mine was one of the originals

14.330 @ 96.37mph
ya i know you do, i was there when you installed it
my first charger had the @!#$ty ones, my 2nd one had the nice ones....hmm
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
I've got one with color pictures. What pages do you need, I'll scan a few but not the whole book.
ya i need the whole book, dont worry about it we can figure it out
sorry i was there partially while you were doing it
and besides we figured it out, forgot to put the IAT sensor into the blower, so easy and stupid