alright well im STILL having problems with the car wanting to idle at 2k EVERY TIME you start it up and it dying when you put it into gear and all that BS. Here is my TB setup, let me know if the lines are in the right ports because honestly i forget how they go and didn't find much on the gm s/c manual i was sent.
Using my stock TB with sensors so thats why it looks all crappy, the new TB is in the works but if i can't figure this problem out theres no sense in customizing a TB to fit a car that doesn't run right.
The little rubber "cap" i don't have so i had a piece of black rubber on that one port, looks as if the ends open but its sealed inside, wondering if thats in the right spot also.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 20, 2008 2:15 PM
- Attachments
- tb2.jpg (151k)
tb3.jpg (127k)
Look in your first pic and you will see an ope vac. line that is attached to the TB but has nothing in the end of it. Fix that first.
well in my post i said it looks open but inside it is sealed, it's just a extra line i had laying around because the cap from GM dry rotted, need to know if the vac lines are in the right ports and is the right port capped off.
Look in the install manual, for correct location. Mine was never correct because i had a 2.3 TB. Are you sure it is sealed? If so get a can of carb cleaner and start spraying every gasket area until you hear a change in RPM.
I'm pretty sure at least one of those nubs you have blocked off is supposed to be connected to something. Haven't looked at my TB for a while, though.
2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
can you PLEASE go look and take a pic of yours man, i really need to get this thing running good.
all of the vaccum holes are used on the stock setup, and i think you have to even T off of one of THOSE for the supercharger IIRC, so you gotta have all of them being used.
You have the right one capped off. Below your IAC but above your brake booster what do you have in that opening. I do not remember what page but I know it clearly states in the GM sc install amnual where those all go.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 20, 2008 5:03 PM
heres the pic i took outside tonight.
- Attachments
- DSC00216.JPG (192k)
Looks right although I noticed you do not have the map sensor hooked to the tab on the sc
seems to boost fine and pull hard as usual, i honestly have no idea what to do guys.
Unplug your battery for an hour. I had a similar problem with mine, the TPS was relearning funny. Lines all hooked up right, so do the battery thing.
14.330 @ 96.37mph
I am going to E-slap him if that is the problem because I already suggested he unhook the battery for a while so it can relearn the sensors
Wade, i already unhooked it for 1 hour, started car up and it did the exactly same thing. There was no change at all. Only thing that changed was my preset stations on the radio lol
Now, i noticed that my boost gauge is reading only 5psi even up to redline, before it was 7psi so is it safe to say its the gm s/c 2.4 MAP going out on me?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 20, 2008 9:16 PM