Ive searched all over in different threads for this but when you use the cartech 2025 FMU they say it has a base pressure setting! I read in one thread that you can use this with the stock FPR by drilling the stock FPR somehow. can anybody explain to me exactly how to do this!?
IF not I want to get the Accel afpr. when using accel with the cartech what do i do with the base pressure setting on the cartech?
Please if someone can help me out it would be greatley appriciated.
What you want to do is Remove your Stock FPR and drill it out.. making hollow with no restrictions. Basically make it just an empty shell... MAKE SURE TO GET ALL METAL SHAVINGS OUT.. then reinstall the FPR and use your Cartech to set base pressure using the big main screw on it.. Make sure you mount a fuel psi gauge somewhere so you know where your setting it to..
Oh i see. i shouldn't have any problems with not getting the fuel pressure low enough?