in order to use a 2.6" pulley i need to have
A. SS/SC cobalt injectors
B. a smaller belt
C. Meth injection...
Now i have the meth injection kit from coolingmist. I dont know what kinda nozzle comes with it. Do i need to put in a different nozzle?
Do i need to upgrade my fuel pump or my FPR?
01' Z24 5 speed
T4 Turbocharged
Built LD9
HP Tuners
01' Z24 5 speed
T4 Turbocharged
Built LD9
HP Tuners
A I know cobalt injectors flow 370cc. I am not sure if they drop right in or have the smae wiring clip. The duty cycle of the 310cc that come with the kit would be higher than is desirable but I am pretty sure it can still provide enough fuel to keep a safe AFR
B Yes get a smaller belt
C This is a must have
I doubt you will need a different nozzle. I myself do not have alky yet and am not sure what nozzle comes in the kit and what nozzle others are using with either 100 or 150psi pumps
There is no need to change your fuel pump or FPR. Stock will work just fine.
Depending on what else you plan on doing. With my setup I used a 2.4" pulley, S/C injectors (310cc), and a shorter belt. No issue there. Oh and the 310 injectors were more than happy to allow me to produce 226 hp on the stock GMPP S/C program.
K. Vega,Now With Vitamin Boost wrote:mitdr774 wrote:Depending on what else you plan on doing. With my setup I used a 2.4" pulley, S/C injectors (310cc), and a shorter belt. No issue there. Oh and the 310 injectors were more than happy to allow me to produce 226 hp on the stock GMPP S/C program.
They are 370s....
I think he means the injectors that come with the GM SC kit, not cobalt injectors. The GM SC injectors are 310 right?
The 2.4 S/C injectors are 310cc. They held up just fine for me.
I have the 2.6" pulley, 310cc injectors, stock supercharger size belt, and no methanol injection yet. So no, you don't NEED to do all that, but the belt and meth are highly recommended.
2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
already have the meth.
part number for the belt please???? and where can i get it at??
01' Z24 5 speed
T4 Turbocharged
Built LD9
HP Tuners
I did some reasrch and this is what I found.
2.6 pulley = Gates Micro V k050720
2.5 pulley = Goodyear Gatorback 4050722
2.4 pulley = no info belt size info found
*NOTE* The last 3 numbers of the part number corespond to the lenght. The gatorback is listed as 72.25 inches so that means that the Gates listed for the 2.6 would actually be 72.00 inches which would be smaller than the one listed for the 2.5 so I if this is true what I have listed should be reversed.
The Goodyear Gatorback 4050722 can be bought from Auto Zone for 24.99 but it will take one day to get it as Auto Zone does not stock it. The Goodyear gatorback 4050722 can be ordered from Summit racing. Below is the link
However it is 26.69 and then another 9.75 to ship it to my zip code.