I would just drop the 200 bucks or whatever it is and get an ebay one. you can get some pretty nice @!#$ from them.
Kick azz is my boost hero!!! 
$200 is more than the worth of that entire car, even with all the home plumbing turbo parts.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
I think it will be fine. It looks like you are just building this to have some fun and do some learning. I doubt you are going to be pushing enough boost to really have to worry about more heat than a stock saab cooler can cool.

2004 Cavalier. Razzi. (Sold)
1998 Corvette. Some mods.
1992 Typhoon. Lots of mods.
1994 Civic VX 44MPG