I installed my header today. Its the Tsudo 4-2-1 and the downpipe comes close to the subframe. When in gear my downpipe is hitting the subframe when you jump on it. I felt the car surge a little and I thought maybe it was pulling timing. It never did anything like this before when I just had the manifold on it. I figured before I would go under the car and start taking a hammer to a few things I would ask for some input and see if you guys thought I was getting false knock and i am pulling timing?? Thanks guys!
Oh and one more thing i forgot to mention, Dont know if the GM Reflash is anymore sensitive than the stock reflash but I am running the M62 with a 3.1 pulley and the GM Reflash.
lol. put a meth kit on it. your header wont cause the engine to knock.
01' Z24 5 speed
T4 Turbocharged
Built LD9
HP Tuners
Publikdstrbnce wrote:lol. put a meth kit on it. your header wont cause the engine to knock.
If the header is hitting something it can cause false knock.
FU Tuning
The header downpipe hits the subframe something fierce. At WOT the downpipe is on the subframe completely vibrating like crazy.
A hammer will do nothing to solve your problem. I would suggest to get all poly mounts, but ive been through that and it still didnt work. I had the RKS 4-1 header and did the same thing. oh yeah....in addition to all solid mounts , I actually put a bout 1/4" worth of washers under my top motor mount. I still ended up cracking the header at the collector weld. and more than likely its actuall hitting on the power steering lines...so, my suggestion would be to get a different header
Weird never heard of this issue until now. I do not have a issue with my header on my LD9.
FU Tuning
i actually have this same header and .. never had that problem .. lol ..
but one of the things that i noticed in my own experience is that, the down pipe that comes from the header ...sometimes i lose some of the those screws lol cuz my exaust pipe is too close to the street and then that happens or they get lose .. starts to vibrate .. thats when i know that i need to check them out
The ONLY way to know for sure if it is indeed pulling timing is to do a little data logging whether it be with a scanner thats capable or some other software i.e. HPT but since you are using the reflash a scanner would be your best route. Metal on metal vibration CAN and DO cause false knock readings, but it doesnt mean for certain thats what is happening.
ASE Master Certified Automotive Technician