Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings? - Boost Forum

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Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, October 26, 2008 4:33 PM
Ok i just noticed that my turbo sounds different when spooling as of late....

At first it was almost like a small jet engine starting up. like a whirring whooshing noise.

Recently it added a sort of warble to that.... it still makes the same whirring wooshing noise, but now it there is almost a echo to it. like a kind of pulsating.
Kinda hard to explain... similar to the pulsating you get in some 4 door cars if you roll only 2 opposing windows down. same windy blowing noise as all 4 windows... but add a pulsating in and out noise to it. (but not that drastic at all)

Before people start talking about compressor surge and such, remember this is under spool up. and only up to like 5psi. and under the same situations that it was in before, and never did this.

nothing has changed lately, except for this sound.

I just fear that maybe it could be a journal bearing starting to go or something. The turbo still seems to work just fine. I just would rather ask about this now, then wait till it comes to some catastophic failure.

Anyone have any clue what i am talking about? or what this could be? what could i check to make sure everything is ok?

This is my first Turbo Car, so i am not familiar with what is supposed to sound like what when. If it sounded like this from day 1 I would never have given it a second thought. but the fact this is a recent change bothers me.

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, October 26, 2008 5:06 PM
Could it be the wastegate or the blow off valve fluttering?
Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, October 26, 2008 5:37 PM
Neither of them should be fluttering under WOT and 5psi.... i would hope not at least....

But i would imagine that if one of them was, it would make a noise like the one i am hearing.

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, October 26, 2008 6:50 PM
May possibly be a weak wastegate spring. It could be fluttering until the boost pressure actually opens it up. What kind of wastegate are you using?
Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, October 26, 2008 7:14 PM
it is a soft wastegate spring. But the spring has been the same all along, and this noise is relatively new.

it is the Tial 38mm.

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Friday, October 31, 2008 9:23 AM
oh boy... i hate when i am right....

I think my turbo just bought the farm. last week or so the turbo started making a kinda warbling noise when spooling. i feared bearings,
I looked for leaks or other things that could make noises...well everything looked fine...

today i took her for a drive and going up a hill under boost, she suddenly lost power and started squealing like crazy.
i pulled over and saw that it looked like the turbo was smoking. (it was cold, so alot of it could have been steam.. but it didnt look good at all)

I let her cool down a bit, started her back up and she idled just fine. wasnt till i cracked the throttle a lil that i heard the squealling agin, obviously cominng from the turbo.
the car runs fine as long as you keep it out of boost. at higher speeds you hear the turbo sqealling a bit..

so i i think i cooked my center section. i need to pull it off and see what kinda damage there is...

So... anyone know a good place that rebuilds turbos?

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Friday, October 31, 2008 11:08 AM
Sounds like you were oil starving the bearings somehow.

What kind of turbo is it?


Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Friday, October 31, 2008 12:00 PM
it is a Garrett T3/T04E .63A/R turbo...

I got it used, but it seemed to be in good shape.

I have never had any loss of oil pressure.... i am pretty sure my feed and return lines are working as intended... I dont know why i wouldnt be getting oil to it... but i agree... that is what it seems like.

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Saturday, November 01, 2008 10:41 AM
yeah... i starved it for oil... i think it was all the fault of a non functional PCV system...

Here is where i learned why....


also talked to a few import guys i know and they all agreed that PCV is of utmost importance with force induction vehicles.

SOOOO.... anyone ever rebuilt a garrett T3/T04E before?

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Saturday, November 01, 2008 5:45 PM
pretty sure they still rebuild turbos..... its in cleveland too...
Fluid mechanics
(216) 362-7800
Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, November 02, 2008 12:20 PM
i just pulled my intake off the turbo, and felt my compressor wheel... i can spin it by hand real easy, no rubbing, no sounds, no nothing... turbo seems fine.... very odd... what else could be making those noises???

could it still be turbo bearings? even if there is no play?

Is it worth yanking the turbo and looking a lil deeper? or should i look at other things first?

it only makes noise under boost... it is quiet at idle and cruise.

Also, is there a way to check oil flow to the turbo???

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Sunday, November 02, 2008 1:52 PM
I felt my turbo, and i dont feel any play... no more than i felt before i had all these issues... nothing i can feel at all in and out (as if i were trying to slide the wheel out of the turbo housing.) and only the very slightest hint of movement if i try to move the wheel up-down or side to side.

I checked my oil line for clogs or blockages. it seems just fine... i even disconnected it from the turbo and cranked the engine over, and i quickly get oil pumping out of the feed line.

I hooked the feed line to the turbo, and blew into the engine side of it, and i can hear it gurgling and bullbing in the oil pan. So that return is working too.

Maybe something was restricting a oil passage, but it all seems to be ok now.

I will have to slap it all back together and see if it is still making the funny noises.

Re: Turbo Spool Noise? bad bearings?
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:27 AM
did you check your charged lines and make sure one of your couplers aren't leaking.. also check all bolts on manifold wastegate and check the mount on the b.o.v
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