What oil types and brands are you guys running with a turbo'd car? Would there need to be a swap to a synthetic oil to keep the turbo from cooking? Currently i run valvoline and castrol with an ac delco filter. What are you guys running?
everyone says royal purple is bad. but i had my turbo apart today and ABSOLUTELY NO CAKING INSIDE THE TURBO, like everyone says. its a little pricey. if i were you i would either use that or a mobil 1 synthetic. and i stick with the delco filter.
Valvoline 50/50 synthetic blend ac del filter
Mobil clean 5000 because I couldnt find regular Mobil anymore.
cool, thanks for your inputs.
I run Eneos 0w-50 in mine.
Its strictly made for turbo vehicles
But it cost 11.50 per qt, and can be ran for 10K.
Mobil1 syntheic 15w50
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
whats wrong with royal purple? two friends of mine both had srt-4 neons, one ran moblie 1, the other royal purple. around 50000 miles they pulled their valve covers and royal purple was spotless. the moblie one had a thin layer of cooked oil on it. so whats wrong with royal purple???
horsepower is the force that determines at what speed you hit the wall, torque is the force that determines how far you take the wall with you after you hit it.
02 silver cavy wrote:whats wrong with royal purple? two friends of mine both had srt-4 neons, one ran moblie 1, the other royal purple. around 50000 miles they pulled their valve covers and royal purple was spotless. the moblie one had a thin layer of cooked oil on it. so whats wrong with royal purple???
i had a bunch of people tell me its bad for turbo applications, blah blah blah, because it cakes on the housing of the turbo and cant take the heat and all this other stuff that was all hearsay. none of it was factual tests. it was all spurred by the oil video mobil1 released showing why their oil is "obviously better" than any other brand since they were the one making the video, ill see if i can pull it up..
here is where everyone says its bad and cokes on and it breaks down too fast... along with the m1 video they made to say they were better.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, April 01, 2009 7:15 PM
What about ENEOS.
Am I the only one running that?
i run 5w40 mobil 1 synthetic
Phil Lindsay wrote:What about ENEOS.
Am I the only one running that?
No alot of people on evo forums use it. Many of them are switching to amsoil though.
To the OP you want to run synthetic for sure. The brand is for the most part a matter of personal prefference. I used the wal-mart generic synthetic 10-40 in my turbo 2.4