hey guys,
got a quick question. i have a 05 fire with the M62 on it and was just wondering about the TB adapter. on it there is like a "nipple" thing coming off of it. what is that for? is it supposed to be plugged or left open.
M62 KIT for sale PM ME
I made my own adapter so I'm not sure but I think its for the evap line.
Something like this?
That for the evap. line off your purge valve.
2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
well the only thing i know is the evap in the pic tinkle has and there is another brass nipple that goes to a vacuum line i think is for automatic cars i remember reading it in the install disk.
oh yes thats right. so thats supposed to be left alone and not capped or blocked off then
M62 KIT for sale PM ME