Tonight I me and two other friends finished installing my saab turbo setup, once we started it really started to smoke like it was burning oil then we noticed some oil dripping out of one of the exhaust flanges. so end conclusion seal in turbo is no good.
I am using stock saab feed and return lines and stock coolant feed and the return is tapped into the the one heater core hose.
Is there anything else that could be causing my oil problem other then a blown seal on a turbo that was supposed to be brand new that i bought off ebay
Thanks in advance
I had the same problem and had to run a oil restrictor,but I wasn't using the factory oil feed line.
Ebay turbo.
Get a 14b on a 1G Turbo Manual DSM and rebuild it. Good to go.
its not an ebay turbo its is a saab turbo as stated in the first post
I forgot to mention that my car is eco swapped
Sounds like some one sold you a saab turbo with a blown seal. Also did you prime the turbo before you started it up?
Ryan, take the intake side of the charge pipes off and check to see for oil inside the pipes, near the compressor wheel. The exhaust side is a bit more tedious, which is why I suggest the intake side. But if you want you could check the downpipe if it's not too much work.
Is their a restrictor in your oil feed line?
Reason why I am hesitant to say it is the seal right off the bad, is because all turbos will smoke when you first start up the car after doing an install. They burn off all of the oil and coolant that has accumulated on them during install. How long did you let it run for?
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
we removed the charge pipes off the intercooler there was no oil or anything there. the turbo did smoke once started but that was the coolent and oil from handling burning off the issue ryan is talking about is the oil that was dripping out of the exhaust flange and the thick smoke comming out the muffler
as he said its a 2.2 eco swap into his 99 with a saab turbo bought off ebay its not a cheap EBAY turbo.
we did prime the oil to the turbo before starting the car and the car ran for probably 2 minutes as we were check for leaks
there is oil dumping into the Down pipe and this is why we think the seal is gone.
JBO since July 30, 2001
Keep us updated. I was talking to Ryan earlier, sounds awfully like bad seals to me just because of the oil literally dripping out of the downpipe.
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Bad seals or to much oil is flowing into the turbo. My cousins hatch had the same problem from too much oil we put a restrictor in the oil like and its run fine for 5000 miles.
i can't see it being too much oil as it is stock saab oil line for that turbo so that should be ruled out but i just had a message from ryan, i will be heading out there soon but apparently its not leaking today might have been a dried out seal or something
JBO since July 30, 2001
You probably have to much oil pressure causing it to be forced past the seals.Put a restrictor in.
how can it be too much oil pressure when the oil line that is used is the STOCK SAAB 9-3 oil line thus meaning if it was too much oil pressure every saab would be doin the same thing
clearly reading is > then you
was out there and still is leaking, turbos comin off tonight and goin for a rebuild
JBO since July 30, 2001
I had the stock oil line on my saab turbo and their was nothing but smoke coming out of my exhaust.I switched to a braided oil feed line so I could use a restrictor and It cleared up the problem.Maybe I just got lucky.Just trying to give some Ideas.
i can't see how thats possible but will have to have a talk with ryan and see what hes thinking i know he just bought a high pressure turbo now too so we will have to see whats going to happen
JBO since July 30, 2001
it could be possible with the high pressure and low pressure turbos, because the banjo bolts are different part #'s which i think will then mean different size holes in them for restriction.
but also to back up matt, there has been alot off saab setups installed and alot of people are running the saab oil and coolant lines with no issues
Whitez wrote:it could be possible with the high pressure and low pressure turbos, because the banjo bolts are different part #'s which i think will then mean different size holes in them for restriction.
I gave some wrong information there it is the coolant line banjo bolts that are different between the high and low pressure turbos
I don't know if it matters but I was running the high pressure Mitsubishi turbo.
i had the same problem with my 14b, the journal bearings were bad along with the seals.i had oil in both housings. my 16g just had a small trace of oil in the exhaust side, and all it was was a bad seal. since there is only oil in the exhaust side id say its seals. most likely all you need is a td series rebuild kit for $117.00 from MHI. also how are you venting your crankcase pressure?
The Boost Creep (ECOsleeper) wrote:i had the same problem with my 14b, the journal bearings were bad along with the seals.i had oil in both housings. my 16g just had a small trace of oil in the exhaust side, and all it was was a bad seal. since there is only oil in the exhaust side id say its seals. most likely all you need is a td series rebuild kit for $117.00 from MHI. also how are you venting your crankcase pressure?
I had considered the crankcase pressure, but he isn't hitting boost yet so that's not likely the cause.
Any updates guys?
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
pulled the turbo off and sent it out for a rebuild, intake side clean still looks like new as for the exhaust side it is very dirty and oil residue. crankcase is venting into the intake side of the turbo, and not the pressure side.
^really, you should try using a catchcan. you can use a j body ac condensor if you cut it at the dia. change and take some of the baffles out, and weld or jb weld it back togather. stick a small filter on the threaded fitting side that doesnt have the L pipe going down.
apparently something needs to be machined so its gonna cost some money
poor ryan
let me know when your gonna put it on i wanna be there again for start up
PS get your brake lines done too if you want help bleeding let me know i have a vacuum bleeder but i hate using i prefer the 2 person method
JBO since July 30, 2001
After the quest for the jco bash was squashed by having an oil leak on the turbo.
I got the rebuilt turbo installed and the new fuel and brake lines......... It started again yesterday only difference alot less smoke..
and today matt came out to help bleed the brake lines and we took it for a spin
so happy everything seems to be alright