As you all know I did the eco swap, I also put tghe charger on. I took it to gm to get the reflash. The tech line refuses to send a reflash cuz my vin doesn't match the engine...needless to say I'm pissssed.... ithey didn,t want to send me the 03-05 flash because they were scared it would mess up my car! I told them I'm a paying customer and they could just flash it. Any adeverse affects would be on me...they still refused... so yet again I'm asking desparetlyh does anybody have a spare eco flashed ecu or want to hp tune me? Or have and other ideas?

Mods: Synapse Charge Piping, Short Throw, Bad-Mab Dp, Dejon Intake, BYT Tuned!
Parts For SALE! Pacesetter Header(ECO),17'in Resonator, Alternator, Starter, Viper Alarm.
If you can't find anyone local with HPT, contact my tuner Steve at See what he can do.
"Yo I wouldn't race him, there's not even an interior in his car man."
"Vrooooooom PSSSSHHH!"
"Oh sh*t. F*ck that, dude..."
if your willing to make the ride up to NJ we can get something going....
Brad (flatblackfire) wrote:I think Gary Frank may have a spare one for a supercharged Eco. . . I'll find out from him and point him to this thread.
i think he might have sold it to toni, and its now in priggen's possesion since thats who bought toni's kit. Unless he has another one.

"If you have no clue what's going on... STFU!"
sold it long ago
go to a different dealer...
Legally GM cant give you the new program. Its the same as trying to get the reflash to use with a turbo. Going to another dealer will not get you anywhere unless the tech dealing with Tech Line lies to them and does not get caught. I had to do that before and they will try their damndest to get the tech to slip up.
we'll we've done it before, have even gave them a completely different vin than whats on the obviously going to a different dealer "could" help....
As I stated, the tech would have to lie to them and hope he didnt get caught. I have done it several times, but I always used the same VIN for the car that I had to lie to Tech Line about. The guy knew what I was doing but was unable to get me to slip up.
mitdr774 wrote:As I stated, the tech would have to lie to them and hope he didnt get caught. I have done it several times, but I always used the same VIN for the car that I had to lie to Tech Line about. The guy knew what I was doing but was unable to get me to slip up.
and as i stated goto a diff. dealer....were both right, i know what your talking about, but u cant say going to a different dealer WONT do anything, might not, but might....the point is it can be done.
I know it can be done but he has to find a dealer willing to take that risk. Right now most probably wont. I wish I still had access to TIS just so I could reprogram a PCM for my 02 (GMPP S/C reflash). It currently uses the VIN from my 00 (wrecked in 04) and I know that any dealer around me would not want to risk using the 00 VIN in the 02. Might just have to take in my Tech II and have them dump the program into it, then come home and put it into the PCM (GM off board programming adapter FTW).
Want my 02's Vin... TIS has it as having the charger... so its good to go there...
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
I still have the VIN from my 00 and I do have a few dealer connections in the area still. Its just a matter of getting it done as I think my current PCM is junk. Dont feel like buying more HPT credits just to reflash another PCM to my current program. I have a PCM with the reflash but it is for a car with an auto. Brings me back to buying more credits to be able to change it.
Sometimes that damn car just pisses me off.