what manafold gasket on the head does eveyone use my gasket has a small leak need replaced and was wanting to see what u all ran
what gasket are we talking about here? Your title is different than your post.
I ran the stock cav gasket on mine. but you can run the saab one also.
If you have an air injection manifold then use the saab 2004+ gasket, if not I believe you can use that or the stock gasket.

13.3 @ 106 mph Cammed
I have the mani with air injection and I'm using the stock Cavalier gasket
Went to the Saab dealer and got a 04 non air injection gasket.
well we dont have a saab dealer here and no one can get the gasket i dont know what to do now
If worse comes to worse you can paypal me the money and I can go to the Saab dealer for you.
I don't see what the problem with the stock gasket is.
well i just payed 65.00 to overnite a manafold gasket and turbo gasket should be here tomorro