I know about the Camaro Iat hookup but i haven't seen any picture or how to's
But i had a idea, would tapping a coolant temp sensor after its comes out of the intake manifold give you some idea of the iats? or before? as in if we added a bigger h/E and see the coolant temp drop?
Just a idea
and if anybody has any info on the camaro sensor please post with more detail.

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Are you running the 2.5 bar sensor that you're supposed to, or are you jerry rigging it with the stock 1 bar?
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The camaro sensor is autozone part number su-107 it's threaded and the connector is the same as the stock cavy plug. I doubt checking coolant temp would give you any idea of iats. The coolant will be hotter than the intake temp since it's removing the heat from the intercooler things in the supercharger it's self.
The idea of reading IAT from the intake manifold rather than pre-blower is to get an accurate measurement of what the engine is actually getting. We have an IAT spark modifier that can be very useful if you are custom HPT tuning the car on a 1 bar. If you're faking a 2.5bar, the MAP is actually a TMAP, so no need for the camaro sensor.