So just finishing installing S/C 03 cavi auto
First start up ran real ruff 30 sec or so , shut it down realized I did not have the tmap installed
So installed tmap restarted now it wants to rev to the moon 5k
Checked all vac lines
Pulled TB check it resealed
I am stuck on what else it could be. I wire the t map and did it to the diagram but was funny the way the plug read 4321 not 1234
I am open to try any thing at this point
Also this is a gm reflash
Sure the throttle cable is all the way in the throttle body wheel? You have to yank it to seat it in there properly.
"In Oldskool we trust"
Right after I have dinner I am going to out and try it
Ok so just went out when I unplug the tmap it will run but like @!#$, hook it back up wants to rev to the moon
I can't believe it'll even start with the map sensor unplugged.
"In Oldskool we trust"
Try plugging everything back in but unplugging the throttle positioning sensor. Then give her a shot. You looked in the tb to ensure the plate is all the way closed right?
"In Oldskool we trust"
Started it with the tps disconnected still revved up. I took set screw out and pushed close tb by hand I even put a different TB on it.
Gotta be a major vac leak somewhere.
"In Oldskool we trust"
The only thing I find odd is that with tmap unplugged it runs. I will check for vac leaks be back in a few
Going to pull the SC off tomorrow and make sure ever thing is sealed up good
Happened to me last week... Could be iac stuck open?? I got a throttle body from the junkyard and left the iac in and that's what caused my problem... Similar just sayin.. Check it
Good thought. They've been known to stick in the past.
"In Oldskool we trust"
did you reconnect the brake booster hose...i always forget because how mine is run, you can barely see it. also make sure the bypass is operating, this could be a few things.
bypass valve, IAC stuck open. TB not closing enough. all which deal with vacuum. pull and check all gaskets POST blower. mani gasket blower gasket bypass gasket.