Hi, im putting a M62 (2.0 cobalt) supercharger on a L61 from a cavalier (2002-2005) style.
See this pic, Is there a way to run this serpentine setup and pickup the alternator without a A/C Pump
Im concerned im not getting enough belt surface area on the pulleys if I go over the top of the tensioner/supercharger and around the alternator..
I'm pretty sure you can't unless you make a custom idler in the area of where the compressor would be.
FU Tuning
Mmm, ok. I had to cut the tab off the oil pan to make this fit into my car (miata), so I don't even have anything to bolt the compressor to :-(
I'm interested in more pictures of this setup.
Could you not some how you could build a bracket off the frame rail to hold a idler pulley to act as a ac pulley?
FU Tuning