Ok it has happened twice now...
one night after driving 1.4 miles to a local bar for an alky run I was parked on a hill idling and it started to smoke like the whitish/blue smoke of oil, weird, I got scared.. then it hadnt done that again for 2 weeks until today when I drove to work 2.2 miles and it started smoking again while idling letting it cool down, it definitly was oil and when I revved the engine into boost (neutral) it stopped smoking, sat there for 15 minutes and nothing again...
is this weird or am I just seeing/smelling things
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
it sounds like your valve seals are starting to go. how many miles do you have on your car? and how much boost do you usually run?
**changes are here**
28000 miles, 8 psi, well 8 then it evens off to 7.5
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
is your turbo old? mine does the same thing, the seals are leaking some oil
hmm the only thing I can think of would be the valve seals, esp. if you cold start it and then take off you can defently see the smoke. Unless your leaking coolent with in your chamber and burning it. the way you can tell on that is (this may sound wierd) but if you sniff your pipe while the car is running.. lol kind of funny now that I wrote it
**changes are here**
its not my engine if it was my engine it would smoke all the time
I am thinking I am going with cold fusion on this one
plus my inlet outlet arent straight up and down
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
how old is your turbo qbe? mine smells like ass at idle and i can see some smoke when i look under the hood. barely any is coming out of my compressor outlet so it doesnt leak much.
it was sued pretty hard for 8 months before it went in, mine just smells rich, no smells out of the engine bay.
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
One other thing to check is your oil pressure. I know your turbo isn't that old (at least to your car). And when the motor (and the oil) are cold your oil pressures are higher, possibly high enough that it's starting to hurt the seals of the turbo...
Just a thought.
<img src=http://home.comcast.net/~richnj221/smiley.gif>
I wouldn't worry about to much, I have buick t-type (turbo regal) and its has 109,000 miles on it it does it every once in a while what i think it might a combination of few things turbos always leak after a while, but if it spools up hard i wouldn't worry about it. Also when all cars start up it's my opinion that fuel injected cars really dump a lot of fuel during start up. not mention gas is dirty stuff so injectors are going to get clogged just my opinion
hey exterminator,
did you say you had some cat-backs for sale a while ago?
12's......here i come
well I have asked a lot of people on that oil pressure debate and a lot arent running inlet restrictors...
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
My guess, high oil pressure. You said both trips were under 3 miles, oil can't thin up that fast. I burn oil on start up as well, before the oil pressure goes down. A second thing, depending on the direction you were parked on the hill, your oil drain could have been below the oil level. If I run my car on jack stands, it always puts out blue smoke.
Turbo related, I'd bet money. Don't fret, with turbos comes small problems.
Matt S.
<a href="http://www.cardomain.com/id/kindofcavy"><img src="http://img61.exs.cx/img61/8537/J-Sig8b.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /> </a>
Built not bought, check that!
no possible way my return is lower then my oil level, its tapped in the block...
I am guessing with what you said that the turbo doesnt have time to thin out, VERY smart guesstimate...
thanks for your help matt
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
Don't listen to the valve seals problem it is the fact that you are not using the restrictor, I used to burn mad oil in the Quad and I used a restrictor just like GM Racing said and it is fine now.
Ask DJ??? lmao He burned a little oil, Sense the sarcasm??
No oil here since the old Quad went out. lol
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