I am trying to set up my wastegate actuator to run 6 lbs. I have a guage and amightyvac pump hooked up to it to test it. At what psi should the acuator start to open? and WHat psi should it be fully open?
I tryed to do that myself and its not a accurate means of testing your wastegate. I was lucky because i bought one brand new and the advertisment said min was 5 PSI and max was like 15+ 20 PSI...so i knew it was gonna open up at 5 PSI at the minimu of the arm connected to the swingvalve arm.
I bought a nissan turbo and those are set at 5-7 PSI stock..i tested the wastegate like you are doing it and it was opening up fully at 10 PSI..so i think your gonna have to test it on the car itself whan you install everything.