ok my afpr is a casper electronics one and my fmu is a vortech 12:1 my questions are these: My afpr doesnt seem to wanna go any lower than 40psi no matter how far i turn it down, if i turn it up it will go above 60psi. I need my f/p to be around 30psi so anyone have any ideas??? As for my fmu i just have a simple question, do i have it plumbed right? I have the inlet port or the middle one hooked to the line coming from the fuel rail, and the outlet port or side port going to the line going back to the fuel tank? I thought this was correct but i just wanna make sure.
your FMU is hooked up correct, about youf adj. FPR .... I dont know .
DO you still have your stock one still inline? that can cause you from not being able to lower then 40, (its a shot in the dark)......
Deekster Jones wrote:your FMU is hooked up correct, about youf adj. FPR .... I dont know .
DO you still have your stock one still inline? that can cause you from not being able to lower then 40, (its a shot in the dark)......
Good question. If you do not have the stock on as well (which you should not), the the AFPR is bad.
ok well i found out why my f/p wouldnt go much below 38, i finally got it to 35psi today and thats where it stays because the casper afpr only goes down to 35psi, sooo does that mean i am basically screwed? I was told i needed to be around 30psi with the ford brown tops. Also heres a new issue i discovered after installing my f/p gauge on my rail, at idle im at 35psi like i said, if i stand there and use the throttle when the car is throttled up the f/p goes down to about 25psi or so the back to 35 at idle, i thought the f/p was supposed to go up? Maybe im wrong but thats just what i assumed the fmu was supposed to do, the fmu is plumbed correct and not leaking, could the 12:1 ratio be messing me up? Also any ideas what a better ratio fmu would be? i was thinking about trying out a 4:1 disk. I have yet to drive the car but under half to 3/4 throttle the car seems to be breaking up and bellowing black smoke out the back, im really beginning to hate this project
any help is much appreciated
hmm, that is weird. only thing i can think of is maybe the fuel pump is not providing enough fuel fast enough, but that is a shot in the dark. i don't know the limitations of the fuel pupe in your car. so you have the fuel go through the afpr, then to the fmu, then to the return line to the tank right? you don't have any other fuel mods right?
yes that is correct VTLoki, the only fuel mods i currently have are the afpr, and the injectors, i ordered a walbro 2 weeks ago but they failed to tell me until a couple days ago it was on back order
Once that gets here ill def put it right in, does anyone else think my stock pump just isnt cutting it ? The thing is if i rev it up under boost its still black as hell and that means rich as hell so it seems weird that the car is running that rich is its not getting enough fuel, im completely confused on this one