how much could i piece together a turbo for i dont want to run anything major yet but could i run like 6 lbs on stock intenrals and fmu and injectors or would tha need upgrade i want a turbo that doesnt like really bad lag so probabaly a smaller one what size would a good one be thanx
I'd just go with a T3 Turbo. For only 6 lbs of boost, you won't need to change out your internals. However, I'd HIGHLY suggest picking up the FMU, a High-Flow Fuel Pump, and possibly the injectors.
Good luck with your buildup!
TAX ID: 45-8013458577-3
I'd go with some punctuation. Run-on sentences usually lead to detonation, which is your enemy when boosting a car. If I were you, I would buy all my parts from Capitolized letters. They are pretty well trusted. They seem to ship slow though, you might try ordering from the search button. They are a little more pricey but you know you'll get your parts faster.
(If you are thinking "WTF"

while reading my post, now you know how I felt reading your's. A little English doesn't hurt anybody.)
sorry i will use some punctuation
i think i found what im looking for.
garrett t3 turbo
super 60 trim
48 a/r housing
turbo manifold:
Jtuners turbo manifold
billet FMU
Adjustable fmu
Oil feed lines:
oil lines
i got some help and the guy who helped said these parts would work fine. the toal is 1205 but that doesnt include shipping and the pip from the turbo to the TB. if there are any parts i forget could u please tell me. if anyone could tell me where i could get these parts or better ones fro less money please tell me thanx.
i think i will need this boost controller too
boost controller
will this one work ok
nice list. What about the downpipe? or oil feed lines to the turbo. I just want to make sure you're not forgetting those little things. gaskets for the manifold on both the turbo side, and the cylinder head side? thought about piping yet? a local exhaust shop would be good, if you know one that can do it for you. or, find a universal kit on ebay or something, and piece it together. I think maximum has some intercooler piping.. dunno anything about them though.
im getting just basic turbo for now. so i wont have a intercooler i know about the pipe from the turbo to Tb and i listed the oil lines im am mainly looking at the hardware does that list look ok for it and pretty much everything else will be custom right?
I didn't click the link, but you wrote oil feed lines, so I'm just suggesting you'll need an oil return line/correct fittings from the turbo to your pan. An air filter (if you're using one, I would suggest it) and maybe piping, depending on how you want your setup. And the charge pipe from turbo to TB you already named. The dp will be custom, yes. And I wouldn't suggest 6psi without an intercooler, try 4 or maybe 5.
thanx for the info i accidently typed oil feed when it is actually both. is the down pipe just the exhaust from the turbine connecting to my catback
Yeah, it connects the turbine housing to the exhaust.
what about a boost controller and gauge is it nessacary or can i go witohut it for a while
just get a cheap manual boost controller and boost gauge off ebay
Buy a boost gauge. You don't NEED a bosot controller. If you want to be able to raise the boost, buy a small plumbing valve from home depot and put a 'T' fitting in-line with the vacuum line going from the outlet of the compressor to the wastegate. Run some tubing from that 'T' to the inside of the car. The more you open that valve, the more boost pressure you aer going to have because it vents off possitive pressure that would normally be used to open the wastegate. That's all the boost controller you listed does, it just looks prettier. With the extra money you saved (roughly $75) you can buy a better boost gauge and upgrade to a larger intercooler.
For charge pipes, just find an on-line store that sells mandrel bends. Buy however many you think is enough and an appropriate amount of couplers off e-bay. Get hose clamps from home depot. You should be set.
i was talking to a tech i work with at a dealership and he reccomended getting a kit that comes with everything i need. Because in the end its gonna cost almost as much for a custom turbo kit as a kit from a company would cost. i was just asking what all choice's do i have.
Oil lines arent one size fits all, your better off just having some made when you know what size your going to end up needing. A guy came into my shop not even a week ago, he had ebay turbo kit that they rigged up, and his oil feed was real long, and his return was too long, it kinked. He said his car ran great for 10 minutes and he doesnt know what happened. He had no air filter on the car. First 3 things I saw was the oil return was kinked. There was no nut on the shaft, and the turbo was completely still while the car was running. He smoked his turbo in 10 minutes.
<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>
alright well what kit u guys think i should go with. Do i have any other choices besides jtuners, and i guess maximum boost but ive heard thers alot of customizing to make maximums kits fit bi dont need to here all the story's of how they suck or w/e. So if someone could show me some choices id appriciate it thanx
"I'd go with some punctuation. Run-on sentences usually lead to detonation, which is your enemy when boosting a car. If I were you, I would buy all my parts from Capitolized letters. They are pretty well trusted. They seem to ship slow though, you might try ordering from the search button. They are a little more pricey but you know you'll get your parts faster."
L M F A O ! ! ! ! !
Hilarious just isn't the word....'s NOT a freakin' Honda!!!