Right now im trying to figure out the best way to supercharge my 96' Z and well i was wondering what would be involved in swaping a 2000+ ECM in my 96 inorder to recieve the reflash? Im able to get my hands on one so im wondering if this would then solve the problem with not being able to get HP Tuners software in time
But what can you do.
I am going to be doing this in the winter...your going to need to swap gauge cluster, youll need the BCM, and I think you will need the gas tank, I am not sure but it would be a good idea to grab it.
They have completely different plugs. 96 is a 3 plug, 97 on up is a 2 plug. If you're using the GM S/C they your best bet might just be a Walbro pump and an FMU.
O noes!
Hopefully he already knows that if he wants to swap to the 00+ he has to swap the entire wiring harness and everything because Smokey is right, the 96 got jewed and got the lone ECU.....
Guys, a ton of things are different between the two cars. Here's a breakdown:
- Different engine harness
- Different interior wiring harness
- Different gauge cluster
- Software (ECU) driven interior light dimmer
- Different radio connector
- Different ABS module connector
- Different knock sensor on the block
- High impedance injector drivers. Wire each of your injectors in line with a 10 ohm resistor.
- Bye bye EGR. Either leave physical components on the car or block hole on exhaust side of the head with a 99+ 2.4 gasket and block the front hole with plate steel.
- Different headlamp connectors on harness (9005/9006 on pre 00. 9007 on 00 up)
- Not sure if anything on the EVAP system is different or not aside from the disconnects on the rear of the car
- Different fuel pump canister and quick disconnects on the rear of the car. No need to swap the tank, just swap the pump canister.
If you're serious about doing the swap, you better have an entire wrecked 2000 laying around to pull parts off of if you don't want to have any problems.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/mrpute"><img src="http://www.j-bom.com/images/sigs/putesig.jpg">
I think you should talk to SpeedRacerZ some. He posted this info a while back to switch a 96 ECU to a 97+
ECU connectors
In this post he reference putting a 2000+ ECU in a 98 J. I would think with those connectors and whatever else SpeedRacer knows it can be done.
FU Tuning
or just slap the s/c, give it some fuel, add some other mods and clear a EGR code everytime you start it up and have a car that hauls a$$ and gets 30 miles per gallon and runs and drives like stock.
that is at least what i did and it seems to be working.
I plan on swaping over to a 00-02PCM with the GM s/c reflash in my 98 Z24 over the winter. I'll post details when it happens....
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
I would search for everyone, but I'm low on battery. I know Changeforabutton did this, not sure if he posted anything on the org about it.
O noes!