Hey guys,
well, installed the 2.7" pulley on the s/c today. Wow. Can feel a differents in the 2psi. Its 5psi right away now, onto 6 and 7 close to redline. Now i want to get a water/alcohol injection kit and looking at the 100psi pumped stage 1 ones from engine run up and coolmist. Any opinions on if therse a difference? I like the quality looks of engine run ups kits, but coolmist's injector seems pretty slick.
Basically want to stay in the 250 range. kit + tank
The other thing is.. when the injector is install, do you have it 90 degreed to mist right at the tb plate, or do you just have it go straight into airflow,so perpendicular to airflow.
Anyhow, comments,experience and opinions are welcomed.
Evolution of Cavyboy-->C22t--> C24na--->c24s/c
1995 Cavalier W/2k1 Engine
GM S/C 13.940@99.78pmh w/2.068 60ft
ya i got mine for 200$ off e bay. the coolingmist one.
engine run up has the same parts too.
your choice.
i added a LED to my kit and a off/on switch. pretty easy if you are any good at wiring. if i could figure it out anyone can.
the led is a activation light. a blue light i put in my boost gauge pod so it turns on when the system activates,. pretty neat and easy to do. it says on how to hook it on on coolingmist's site.
the on/ off switch it says how to hook it up also.
easy stuff.
i mounted my tank in the trunk and ran the line through the car/ under the door pillar peice thing that is next to your seat that goes up by your hood release and then through the rubber next to the steering wheel shaft.
is it possible to use the coolingmist setup on a turbocharged engine. i want this for my turbo 2200 if its possible?
I just got engine runup in the mail today.
Kit looks complete and price was good
Ill post on useability/duarability once I get it installed.
Save a Tranny, Roll-on
15.5@89m.p.h.(Stock GTP)
My intial impression of the kit is wow!
Didn't have to buy a thing. Instructions were complete.
Performace wise I did 10 consecutive pulls and the S/C was cool to the touch using the 4GPH injector. I havn't had a chance to get it on a dyno but I can definitely feel the modification on the butt dyno.
While its nice that it has added power I really like the fact that it added substained performance. Usually with the 2.6" pulley it would heat soak itself after a couple of pulls now it just performs over and over. To Be honest I think the more I get on it the colder the S/C gets.
While W/I is nothing new, EngineRunup has the same kit as all the major brands out there, minus the price tag. So they get two big thumbs up in my book.
I'll Bring this post back up once I get a chance to put the car on the dyno and to the track
And I have pictures of the install if anyone is intersted.
Save a Tranny, Roll-on
15.5@89m.p.h.(Stock GTP)
does it say M4 on your injector?
Glad you had good luck with the kit. i knew you were going to be happy.
But y the 150psi pump instead of the 100psi?
Evolution of Cavyboy-->C22t--> C24na--->c24s/c
1995 Cavalier W/2k1 Engine
GM S/C 13.940@99.78pmh w/2.068 60ft
what water mixture are you running in there?
i have the m2 injector and would like to upgrade.
that coolingmist guy says the m2 is good for around 200 hp. m3 300 hp and so on. But i think a bigger injector is better for us as we have to run it through the s/c. so soon i am going to get a m3 or m4 injector.
that bobby guy is going to post back somewhere with his intake temps with the different injectors and timing stuff. i am waiting on that to sorta make my decision. He posted in another post about intake temps no more then 130ish with the water injection/ and the 2.6inch pulley.
The link is www.enginerunup.com. Greg is super-helpful.
From what I understand the 150 psi kit is better able to atomize the mixture before entering the S/C.
As for injectors I started with the M3 but honestly felt no siginificant cooling on the S/C it was still warm to the touch after a few pulls. After switching to the M4, I can go out and romp on it and the S/C only gets colder. For the mixture I fill the tank leaving enough room for one bottle of heet.
I'm waiting for the intake temp results as well.
Sometime in January I'm going to take the car to the dyno and swap between the M3, M4, M5 and maybe even M7 nozzles with a 2.5in pulley. I'll bring the post back up when it happens.
here are some pics of my install
Save a Tranny, Roll-on
15.5@89m.p.h.(Stock GTP)
is ur kit 100 or 150 psi? mm.. atomize better eh. So it's just a finer mist?
Anybody care to explain
Evolution of Cavyboy-->C22t--> C24na--->c24s/c
1995 Cavalier W/2k1 Engine
GM S/C 13.940@99.78pmh w/2.068 60ft
i got the 100psi pump.if you can, get the 150psi pump. but i am fine with my 100psi one. it probably is basically a finer mist ,but after looking at my injector spraying i cant see how it can get any finer.
only thing i can see sorta wrong with your set up (pictured) is that the solonoid is too far away. once the solonoid closes there is about 3 foot of tubing left full of water to get sucked into the engine/ run into the throttle body plate and possiably down into the TPS sensor maybe causing problems like a few others have had? not sure on their set ups though.
My set up i have the checkvavle mounted about a foot from the injector not even. (coolingmist has checkvavles instead of solonoids, i like it better as they never fail and one less thing to wire and it takes 40 some PSI to open and offers a cleaner set up)
i like the fuel filter idea. i am using that same one on my taurus for a breather filter,lol. but on my current W/I set up i dont have a filter. i might get one,not sure at this time.
i mounted the tank in the trunk and the pump about 2 feet from it. that is also a good place for it under the seat as it is outta the way.
(looking at your injector brass elbow, i might have to do mine that way, and probably with a m4 injector as you seem to be having good luck with it. hmm)
Thanks for the info on the solonoid,
I'll see about relocating untill Fats releases the W/I plates.
Save a Tranny, Roll-on
15.5@89m.p.h.(Stock GTP)
glad to see more people out there with W/I
Evolution of Cavyboy-->C22t--> C24na--->c24s/c
1995 Cavalier W/2k1 Engine
GM S/C 13.940@99.78pmh w/2.068 60ft
save some money go with enginerunup.com
Save a Tranny, Roll-on
15.5@89m.p.h.(Stock GTP)
if i am seeing it correctly. IS your stock S tube clamped striaght on to the throttle body?
just asking because i am going to be doing the same thing, as i have the RK cold air extension pipe on its way.
lol, everything is out of stock
Sorry about not seeing this thread but ya
Its just the Stock S-Tube
Save a Tranny, Roll-on
15.5@89m.p.h.(Stock GTP)