ok i am getting my old 95 out of the shed i am putting a new clutch in it becuase the one in it is fried and i was wondering what is the proper way to brake in a new clutch and if there is any thing to lookl out for when putting it in ..it is the 95 2.2L sunfire
just drive normally for a week...
I heard to baby it for 500mi so you don't glaze it. this was also the instruction that came with the clutch. So that is what I'm doing. only 400mi to go!
Quote: no ofence man but if you have so much experience in all that why does your car look like crap?
Yeah.. Just be easy on it is all you have to do.. If you're hard on it right away, you could really screw it up.
Dark blue 2002 Z24, 2.4 Ltr.
drive it nice and easy for about 10KM in stop/go conditions to put some heat in the clutch. after that taker out on the road and giver heck... only do this on a flywheel thats been machined.. if you were to cheap to spend the 15bux to get the flywheel machined then you deserve what ever happens to the clutch.
** Flat Broke Racing Inc.**
The 500 mile break in only applies to certain clutches. Otherwise, what about all those brand new cars that are test driven by @!#$s, and just tear it up
I believe its the ceramic discs that need the long break in.
O noes!
any one got any prices for a cheap clutch one that will take minor abuse under $200
take your clutch out of the car, buy a new clutch disc only. take the pressure plate into a local clutch shop and tell them you want to up the spring/holding pressure on the pressure plate. shope with "rebuild" the plate with stronger springs, while your there have them machine your flywheel. take home bleed flywheel with torch, clean off any surface contaminants with good solvent (CLEAN FRESH varsol or something of that sort) reinstall everything, and you will have a clutch that will hold up to the same/more abuse than a spec2 will.
** Flat Broke Racing Inc.**
i got a centerfoce duel friction in my 95 cav with a 2.2L and it is greet i payed 190 for it and it was worth it but like said you gota baby it for 500miles
yea i was gonna ask about that clutch but dam n!!! 500 miles ....road trip lol...is there any way to speed it up safely becuase i need a good clutch i mean i race alot and that centerforce sounded good and so did the price but what all else did u need when u bought the clutch ????becuase i fried my clutch so i will need new every thing probally
no all you gota do is have the fly wheel turned and if neaded change the slave cyl (recomended) its easy to do when you gwt the tranny out all you have to do is pop the relese on the fitting and blead it when done and back together but as far as the break in trust me dont rush it and do it right or else you will glase the fly wheel
just looked and the price is now lower its 188 at nopi
what else would i need to buy it i bought the centerforce clutch i kno u need to by some thing else with thoes clutchs
all i bought was the clutch and a new slave cyl and went to where i use to wor and turned my flywheel clutch worked fine and other than the blown motor still fine now after about 10000 hard miles on it