i was TOLD, that when i power shift it hurts my tranny. now my buddy brandon must not know wut torque feels like, lol. now of course im still on my stock clutch and i hit it pretty hard. i will upgrade to either a SPEC stg2 or stg3 and flywheel. not sure wut to go with.
wuts ur opinions on what the tranny can handle. for what i know, i think its fine shifting fast. and yes it does hurt it, but just barley. with the upgrades it will be fine.
I'm not 100% sure because I've nevel delt too mutch with a stick, but unless you grind gears or miss a shift It wont hurt too mutch. Ask a tranny shop to be sure.
1971 camaro 427 --- here!
Stock... and loving every minute of it.
It still stresses the synchros.
It will shorten the life if you do it all the time.
-da chinchilla
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