Anyone have a transmission temperature gauge installed on the 4spd 4t40e tranny?(automatic)? If so where did you install the sending unit? Also for those with a tanny oil cooler installed how did you hook it up? Installed in the return line from the radiator with hose clamps? Or did you bypass the radiator all together. Any feedback appreciated thanks.
Look on the front of your tranny, there will be coolant lines going into your tranny.....just underneath those is a bolt that if you take it out the tranny sensor should screw right into it...I know on my autometer gauge it fit right in....
Heres a link of a pic I took of it.
Clicky here
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Awesome! Thanks Bobby very informative just what I was looking for. Now some feedback on people with a tranny cooler and how theyve got their set up would be appreciated as well thanks!
I have a gauge currently installed and I have never seen it get above 190 which is normal operating temp. I planned on getting a cooler but, I think the stock one is doing fine, and I will be replacing the gauge with one of a different type soon since my tranny is operating perfectly.