I have a 1996 2.2 sunfire with a 3 speed tranny.
First thing i should point out is the engine is knocking and the check engine light is blinking. now i'm wondering if the pcm is telling the tranny not to go or would i need to replace the tranny also. thanks for any info
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/darkroom1428/sig2.JPG>
first off if your check engine light is flashing that means you have a catylist damaging missfire. being that you have a three speed, those aren't computer controlled like the four speeds. theres still senors and stuff but its not computered controlled. i would get your missfire fixed. i would bet thats your main problem. you have no power so your not going anywhere.
nice point i'll swap the engine first and see what happens
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/darkroom1428/sig2.JPG>
now i'm wondering if the pcm is telling the tranny not to go or would i need to replace the tranny also.
Not to go? Like not to break? Did I miss where the issue is in your post other than the misfire? Is there something the tranny is/isn't doing... other than "going"?
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