Hey Ya'll!!!
I just did a swap of my tranny. I took the 2.2 internals and put them in my 2.4 tranny case. Well after doing all of that and putting it back in the car completely and starting the 99 Z24 up, the car still doesn't move. It was installed perfect and everything went together, the tranny worked before the swap and the internals were perfect. What the problem is it seems like it's stuck in gear. When you start the car and let the clutch out it bogs out like you're in gear but it doesn't move. Even if you're in neutral when you let the clutch out it's like you're in gear and it just shuts off but doesn't move an inch. It seems like it's stuck in gear and won't come out, I'm not 100% sure but I thought someone on here might have some info or thoughts, any help would be great, I'm definatly in a rut here. Thanks for any info back guys.
sounds like it went together wrong man! will the car roll in "neutral" ? chances are you have something in the wrong place and its in 2 gears at once or is bound up in some way or another. did you test the trans out by hand on the bench before putting it in the car?
99 Turbo Sunfire GT | Ram 2500 | International Rollback | Mr Hanky the Suburban
probably not
1998 Chevrolet Cavalier
Did you swap everything? Including the diff?
I only heard of people swaping the third and fourth gear out of it?