hey guys,
I've searched the board and didn't really find out what i needed so here i am

I've got a 98 z24 5 speed with about 113K. When i let off the gas it makes a clicking (it's kinda hard to explain it would sound like loud fingernails clicking on a chalkboard constantly but it doesn't really get louder at speed) if i give it just a touch of gas it quits, ive replaced both axles, upper strut mounts, struts. (i swore it was an axle sounded just like it)I thought it could have been the throw out bearing but if i shut off the motor and push in the clutch it's still there.

I also jacked up the driver side of the car and if i have someone spin the wheel and crawl under it it can hear the noise, it sounds like the noise is at the bottom of the case but the tranny moving is gonna make noise. I'm almost sure it's the diff. in the tranny but i don't wanna beleive it. I'm just stumped If anyone has any thoughts or maybe a tranny in the wi area kinda cheap the help would be killer. Thanks a bunch for any info...
Dood i have the SAME EXACT PROBLEM with my getrag... It all started when i swapped out wheels one day... Got out onto the main road and it suddenly happened... Posted the question and noone had a clue, im too sure its the diff since it does it no matter what gear, clutch in OR out, and ONLY while coasting.
However ive put 10,000 miles on since it started and havnt had any problems shifting, and the diff still seems to work just fine... So im ignoring the problem alltogether lol
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
Sounds like a couple things. Wheel bearing could be clicking, axle, or trans. Id check the first 2 because they are easier and cheaper to replace.
Not much but will get you started.
Yea but a wheel bearing and axle will make souly based on speed, not throttle
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
Hey guys,
I don't know at all, I have worked at a parts store for almost 3 years not saying i know what im talkin about

but ive asked everybody. I was so sure it was the axles. I guess other than being annoying i just bought the car and the dude said it was a ripped boot on the axle when i pulled both axles i was sure to check em and of course they werent ripped. i've been thinking about callin him, anyone that sells cars that wants to stay in buisness would help me out hence the fact he didn't have a clue/care or lied either way. I could see the abs on the wheelbearing could be throwin me off but it on happens on decel. I guess the only thing we can do is drive the piss out of it till it explodes n worry obout it later. I found a guy around with another z24 maybe ill get a trade on lol. Is there anything that would be compatable with that syncromesh s*** to quite it down?????? But hey guys thanks for the help n keep it up.
Im actually in the process of pulling my engine/tranny out right now... Just waiting on a friend to return my jackstands and it will be out tonight...
So when i get the tranny opened up ill let you know what it is.
BTW, i dont have ABS so rule that out lol
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
hopefully we will have some good news....... Thanks again for all the help. I'll look forward to hearing from you.
I just realized something... You have the isuzu trans dont you? Its funny that we have the same noise with diff transmissions. HOpefully the prob will be the same though
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
if you have the isuzu... which i should have said something earlier... its most likely the diff making noise
They really like to munch spider gears.
once you figured out what it is, if you do need a new trans (isuzu) my brother has one laying around he'd probably sell.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
I have the Getrag trans... I think beeing his is a 98 he shoul dhave the isuzu trans. Thats why i was suprised we both have the same noise. Mines a 2004
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
Well i got the drivetrain out tonight... Tomorrow im gunna strip it down to the block and if i have time ill crack open the trans. Might have to wait till monday afternoon to see the trans, main thing right now is getting the block to the machineshop so it can be bored and cleaned. Ill definetly update when i get the trans apart though
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/3/web/831000-831999/831395_11_full.jpg">
Interesting, I too am having the same exact sound only on deceleration... I've read on a few spots on here that it could be the throwout bearing in the clutch. Anyone solve their issue yet???
The simple fact that we have two Isuzu's and a Getrag making the same exact sound leads me to believe it would be something that would be similar on all the cars. The tranny's are not, but the TBO's are...hmmm.
"I count him braver who overcomes his
desires than him who conquers his enemies.
For the hardest victory is the victory over self." - Aristotle
-Same thing here guys, 98 z24 after a couple of hard downshifts and some "spirited" driving it started, i thought it was an axle but i changed it and it wasnt so i returned the axle thank GOd and i got a refund and put the old one back in cause it wasnt damaged at all.
-not sure it goes away when you give it gas, and kinda goes away when i push the clutch in but not too sure.
definitly only on decellaration it clear as day.
-I"m thinking the clutch it vibrating or someting myself or a bit warped has anyone changed thier clutch lately?
turn the radio up and you hear nothing lol
It's the differential. Wether you want to accept it or not, that's what it is. Mine used to do the same thing. A slight press on the gas unloads it so you cant hear the sound anymore. The spider gears have worn down, if you were to get in the tranny and look, you'll be seeing chunks of the gears missing. Mine was down to the point where I was suprised it still grabbed anymore. (it can wear down for quite some time apparently, and still move). My friend had a Sunfire that started doing the same thing. After long enough is started to pop and bang real loud because the gears started to slip over each other. So i'm pretty sure your diff. is on it's way out, how long it'll last, no idea.
Just for clarification, I'm talking about a 95-99 Isuzu transmission. I have no idea about the 00+ Getrag transmissions.
SHOoff wrote:It's the differential. Wether you want to accept it or not, that's what it is. Mine used to do the same thing. A slight press on the gas unloads it so you cant hear the sound anymore. The spider gears have worn down, if you were to get in the tranny and look, you'll be seeing chunks of the gears missing. Mine was down to the point where I was suprised it still grabbed anymore. (it can wear down for quite some time apparently, and still move). My friend had a Sunfire that started doing the same thing. After long enough is started to pop and bang real loud because the gears started to slip over each other. So i'm pretty sure your diff. is on it's way out, how long it'll last, no idea.
Just for clarification, I'm talking about a 95-99 Isuzu transmission. I have no idea about the 00+ Getrag transmissions.
What I don't get is why it would be happening on cars that are equipped with both the Getrag and the Isuzu? We all know that both of these tranny's are quite different from each other and it is a little surprising that both are having this issue. That's why I came back to the idea of the clutch and TOB. It's common between both types of vehicles.
Also, if it were the spider gears, would the sound not go away on turns (i.e. since the spider gears should be active at that point equalizing the wheels so they are spinning properly)? My sound does not go away on turns.
How much does it usually cost to have a technician open up the tranny and take a look at this?
"I count him braver who overcomes his
desires than him who conquers his enemies.
For the hardest victory is the victory over self." - Aristotle
not to be a dick, but I dont know what your smoking....... the TOB and Clutch are NOTHING ALIKE between the 2 transmissions!
..... and the spider gears are active all times..... they are what the axles lock into, when you put them into the trans. During straight acceleration, the gears have equal pressure on them, during turns, unequal. If you have damaged teeth on the spiders, its going to make noise..... I can go out to the garage and take a couple dozan pics of busted spider gears...... mostly Isuzu, but I do have a few messed up Getrag spiders.
Back to it being two different transmissions, with the same noise...... there is no way to tell if its the same noise. I dont see any links to sound clips or videos, just a bunch of half ass descriptions of some random noises.
Like I said, I'm not trying to be a dick...
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
Regardless if you are trying to be a dick or not, can you explain why there isn't any noise during even the slightest acceleration? I'm not claiming to know a bunch about transmissions, that's why I posted the question on here. If I knew, I probably wouldn't be discussing it and would have already fixed it...
"I count him braver who overcomes his
desires than him who conquers his enemies.
For the hardest victory is the victory over self." - Aristotle
noise on decell is usually caused by the back meshing of the ring and pinion on the non-drive side of the gears...... usually a normal noise. Bad bearings on the output/pinion shaft could cause excessive noise, since the pinion will now wobble slightly against the ring gear...... same can be said about bad carrior bearings though, but usually will cause axle seals to fail faster.
but again, I havnt heard the noise...... so I cant tell you.
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
I asked speedracer about this noise 3 months ago about the isuzu in my 95 sunfire... same noise, a grind on deceleration. When we drained the fluid the tranny fluid was burnt beyond recognition (3 month old fluid).... dropped the tranny and put another one in, noise gone.
I've gone though 7 Isuzu transmissions over the years. Accept that they break easily and prematurely. I was told by a GM tech that the sound was a broken diff pin... either way the tranny is sitting on the ground now, ready for the junkyard with my 6 other isuzus. This is why I swapped to an NVG in my good car.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
could you take the pics please i want to see them all busted up. would it be worth just swapping in a geo diff? how hard could it be to remove it with the tranny in the car?
could you just open the bottom part up and change diffs?