my girl just bought a 97 cavalier and the traction control light is on, stated that the traction control is not working... and the tranny shifts pretty hard... could this all be because the tranny fluid is low? the previous owner said that he replaced the tranny fluid, and said it started doing it after he replace it
any help is much appreciated, thank you!
there is a sensor placed into the air intake tract, this is called the 'IAT', or air intake temperature sensor.
95 times out of 100 having the unplugged causes the problems you mentioned.
check to see if the sensor is either un-plugged or possibly not working properly.
Or possibly a WSS, and accumulator valve?
if its not the iat sensor try the tps (throttle position sensor).i had a similar problem with my girlfriends 01 sunfire.when we would drive the trac control light would come on and it would rev up till about 3k and then shift hard. i though the trans was going but started to do some some research and found that those are some things that happen when the tps goes i went to the dealership and bought it. i heard the ones from auto zone and other places go out in a couple of months so its better to replace it with the oem part. ran me about 60 something but after i installed it no problems what so ever. hope you figure it out.
problem solved for the shifting hard... it was the iat, one of the wires were pulled out of the connector.. .easy fix!
but still no idea why the ets light is on? i have a spare throttle positioning sensor in my garage, from the motor that went on me... so i'll give that a try... but would that light come on if the tranny fluid was low? considering the guy before she bought it changed the fluid? or anything else that would trigger that dummy light to come on?
ohhh... and of the iat sensor isnt plugged in on a manual z24, will that make the transmission seem to shift hard? because i have a 5 speed z and sometimes it seems to be hard the shift gears... i havent had time to check out my cables or anything yet, but i did change the fluid and it helped a little...
That sounds like synchronizers. A manual transmission isn't electronically controlled like an automatic.
that's what i figured... i'm not the best with manual transmissions, especially these ones... but it only shifts hard every once in a while... i think i might need a new set of shift cables... but thanks anyway... and does anyone have any other ideas why the traction control dummy light could be on?
getting new shift cables, a b&m shifter and changing the tranny grease in the 5spd car should cure your shifting issues. UNLESS the syncros have been damaged, then theres no way around fixing it than pulling it and either replacing them or the entire tranny.