I have to order a part for my transmission (throttle valve cable) and I got the part number from the local Chevy dealer. The car has the 3 speed auto (which I thought was a 3T40) however the part number comes back to the TV Cable for an MD9 transmission. Its the only TV Cable listed anywhere for a JBody car that I could find. Is the 3T40 the same as the MD9 or do I have a different transmission than I thought?
CAR - 1998 Pontiac Sunfire 2200SFI 3speed Auto
The 3T40 and the MD9 are the same thing, as they both are referred to as the Turbo Hydromatic 125C. The MD9 designation is the RPO code for the transmission. Buy the TV cable and call it a day.
Ordered. Should be here tuesday. Those little buggers cause a world of problems when the snap. I have no final drive. lol