FYi: 98 Z24 convert with NVG trans swap.
So I can't seem to get the driver side seal to seat properly.
I've tried using a bearing and race install tool
I've used No. 1, No 2 and No 3. heads on several different seals. I'm currently on my 4th seal and they all leak. I replaced the pass side seal on the first try and it hasn't leaked at all. Could it be something else?
I've cleaned and lightly sanded (600 grit) the trans area where the seal sits. Used trans fluid to lube it up but it still leaks. Cleaned the axle and it is shiny and smooth.
Using Timkin (orange) seals from Autozone if it makes a difference.
Any tips or tricks I'm missing? The slow dips are driving me nuts, its not like the trans fluid is easy to top off.
Arent there O-rings on the axles as well?
Not that I saw. There is about an 1/8" gap between the axle and the trans housing.
Well I finally got one in and its not leaking. I used the #1 driver to seat it and then used a larger one #5 to get it all the way in. Apparently I didn't set the first few deep enough.
Ive been asking on too......OK i too am having a hellova time getting the same seal to sit right on my 98 2.2 5 speed.....Has anyone else had good luck with a different way than Konrad????...The first I thought I put in correctly by tapping it in with a 2x4 but still leaked because i kinda crushed the rounded inner portion, the second I used a 2 inch dia. piece of exhaust pipe to get in and the fluid leaks as fast as im putting it in.......Any pointers here.....