Anyone have any experience using a 4T40E rebuild kit from a company called Precision? I couldn't find anything while searching. I talked to someone there, and he said the quality of the internal parts exceeds factory components. They do not claim a certain hp/tq rating though. Anyway, I'm looking into this because a complete rebuild kit (except solenoids) is $260 shipped. After the issues I've had for my build, I'm only going to run 12psi boost (turbo). I had planned on upwards of 20psi for a while, but that will end up costing more and more money. Supposedly, these trannys stock can handle 300-350 hp, so at 12 psi and the fact I'm in high altitude I know I'm not going to hit 300 whp. So, any reviews on a Precision rebuild kit?
2004 Cavalier Sedan
never heard of that company....but that price isnt big question is what all do you get in there rebuild kit...
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
most aftermarket companies for ANY parts will claim their quality meets or exceeds factory requirements.
id check into exactly what they mean. my guess is its just a standard stock rebuild kit.

It's nice to be injected but I love being blown.
That's from the website. I guess I should email or call back for specifics.
2004 Cavalier Sedan
yup i would because at that price i doubt they are giving you the upgrade blue or red clutch packs or anything worth while
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Nope, no blue or red clutch packs with this kit.
2004 Cavalier Sedan
well its def not a performance kit
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...