so anyone that might be looking at the
BAHNHOF STAGE 3 CLUTCH KIT on ebay or the F1 kit bother are pretty much the same. this is a update on my experience so far
so i put in the kit and its 1 day no problems yet i have the 4 puck disk grabs hard and is smooth but my one notice is that the catch point is really high on the peddle. im not sure if it just needs a bleed and that might fix it or if its just built like that. im gonna bleed it later when i have some time and see if it help but a high catch point is not a bad this its just preference i was just use to my old one so at the moment i dont like it because im not use to it, some people love a high catch point. i havent done any burnouts or power shifting or anything yet, im still breaking it in so im driving it easy. i have got it to the end of my revs a few times and its held up. so far so good
From others who have used that clutch it seems like it works well for awhile but it wears out and starts slipping pretty fast. Hopefully someone else will chime in and say exactly how fast.
Also, high clutch engagement is really a jbody related issue rather than a clutch manufacturer issue.

"In Oldskool we trust"
Update on the clutch so the first 500km i went easy on it but right after i started to beat on it, for the last abour 3-4k i been pretty much red lining it in first and second every time i accelerate. about 20+ times a day i pretty much dump the clutch every time i switch gears and its holding up well no slipping or signs of issues so far. when i start easing off the clutch though it makes a ringing sound when it starts connecting but its been doing that since day one, so far i love this clutch. but as good as my experience with it is so far i would not recommend getting a ebay clutch. for major parts that your car uses everyday get brand names.