Just bought a cavalier its a 03 5 speed 4dr and it grinds in 2nd-4th gear. Only time it wont really grind is if i kind of rev match before i shift like if i give it a quick rev and quick shift at same time it will go in smooth most of the time. or SOME times if i let it fall back to 1,000 rpms it might go in smooth. Clutch don't slip in any gears. Im thinking its possibly a worn out clutch ? car has 144,xxx and is most likely on the stock oem clutch. or does this sound more of a syncro issue ? maybe a cable issue ? what should i look for before i go taking out transmissions etc... The clutch fluid is Black should i try and change this ? the pedal feels ok
It only grinds when you shift to the next gear? Syncros are bad. Is there any oil in that tranny? Someone must have beat the hell out of that thing.
Btw if the fluid is black you should change it but you may as well wait until you pull the tranny and repair or replace it.

"In Oldskool we trust"
I just thought cavaliers "made" that sound.
The Getrag Grumble or whatever. Mine seems to groan/grind only when catching 1st and 2nd. Same with a friend of mine. Doesn't seem to bother me as these cars are loud enough anyways when it comes to road noise and what not.
Yea it does it on a down shift. Only time it won't Is sometimes if I give it a quick rev before shifting and shift quick before Rpms drop again . I was just making sure there weren't any little common issues with like cables or something before I took Trans out . So how is doing a Trans on the 03s ? I'm use to a fwd Dsm I can yank those transmissions out in under 20 minutes

. What do these transmissions usually sell for ? Are they common ?
Depends on where you live. Where I live 03-05 cavaliers are plenty full for spare parts and what not. Tranny from scrapyard goes for $150 regardless of miles. Just find the lowest mile one and away you go.
I'm around the Orlando area . How's removing one time wise ?
It sounds. like the synchros maybe,probably. If you race it alot on street like i do,lol,you probably need a rebuild. My 05 only has 64,000 miles and needs a rebuild. Anybody with any ideas how to rebuild a tougher trans let us know.
Book calls for like 5.2 or 5.5 hours, with experience you can remove and install in like 4 hours or less...