hey guys i was driving this morning and i went to park along the curb..and as u can probably guess..i hit it..got out of the car and looked at my wheels..3/4 of the back wheel rim is all scuffed..bad..and just a little on the front rim..is there anything i can do to help this at all?? i thought of using a file..but not sure..
Damn had your license 10 days and already hitting @!#$? haha just kidding man. I curbed mine once when I was parking at a store and they have all those stupid birms with cement curbs the whole way around. I used my Dremel tool with a polishing bit and smoothed out the jaggedness. It will never look as good as before, but it helped.
Sold 2/2/05
LOL..i know i know..im going to get a hard time for this...
i dont have a dremel tool but im thinking my grandpa does..ill check with him..thanks..
more help please
That sucks... it must cringe inside you that pretty much! This have happened to my old 17's. I hate that feeling..... I'm not gonna let it happen again!!!!!!!! Not ever on my 19's!
Yo be careful man! Its ok to park away from the curb about 2 - 4 feet!
Its better to be safe!
I'd say bring it to professional wheel shop to get it done. It wont cost that much I'd assume that. Good luck!
- Darren
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i hear ya phewes..its a bad noise and feeling. today i had to park on a curb..at (my cars slower than your car)'s house..and i parked far away from it..and hes like man..ur like 3 feet away..bring it in closer....lol..i was afraid but i did it
my truck ive had rims on for 3 years and never curbed em once cause of the same reason said above. park like 3 feet away from curbs. better to be safe than sorry.
i curbed my first set of 17s...and it was a painful ordeal......now that i,m on 20s i park 20ft away from all curbs....just to be on the safe side...hehe
yea id say take it to a local shop and see what they can do. not alot but maybe something but next time stay away from all curbs.