I was just wandering if anyone is wanting to sell their centercaps from some 17" ff5 rims b/c i see a few pics floating around with those rims with no centercaps... i only need the very center part, not the plastic part that covers the lugs. If nobody has some they want to sell, does anyone know where i can get some? can't find any on ebay
You mean this part???
Cause if it's that, it's yhe plastic part, the cover is made of metal...
yes! that part! i got some motegis of ebay and the centercaps look like someone took steel wool to them or something. anyways, if you are interested in selling some like that or know where to get them, let me know
and actually, i don't know if the centercaps off the ff7's will work on the ff5's>...? here is what my rims look like [IMG]www.motegiracing.com-applicationguide-motegiimages-mega-m2357.jpg[/IMG] thanks
I wondered the same thing. I have some MR7s with center caps that are somewhat scratched up. I went to Pep Boys cause I saw that they sold Motegis. After about 10 minutes and a phone call, they said they could order me ONE for like $25 or $30. I may just try and call Motegi directly and see if I can have them replaced cheaper.
just curious but why would someone take the center caps off their rims and just sell them? doesnt make sense. contact motegi and see if you can get a set from them