Just a quick question about tires. I am in the process of getting new rims for my Tiburon GT and I am looking at 18's...so I came across a sweet deal for WheelMax.com. I can get these tires for $99.00 a peice.
Hankook Radial K106 specs: 225/40/18, speedrating =H, treadwear=340
Kumho ECSTA Supra 712 specs: 225/40/18, speedrating =W, treadwear=280
Kumho ECSTA 711 specs: 225/40/18, speedrating =W, treadwear=260
Nankang NS-2 specs: 225/40/18, speedrating =H, treadwear=340
Federal SS595 specs: 225/40/18, speedrating =Z, treadwear=N/A
Can anyone let me know which ones are the best quality? Also, what about the speedrating and treadwear? Finally, how they look on the car....side walls?
Let me know and thanks in advance for your help.
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i'd look into the Kumho's, and forget they ever offered the other tires...
Now Blazing: Black Domina
..the supra 712s are the ones you want. tried and true...though the treadlife, like the others, will be short.
...don't hate!.. respect people that have talent, even if it is in something you don't like or understand.
One of my friends had a set of Nankang tires he got from Discount Tire. I am not sure on the model. He called them Nankang "Maypops", since he replaced 3 out of 4 due to them being junk. He was not an aggressive driver by any means.
I have Hankook Ventus HRII H-405's and I LOVE them! Price those ones out if you can, they're amazing tires.
Sadly out of that list is the cum ho 712's as much as I hate to say that. I would look into better tires even if it costs more.
2010 Ford Explorer
2006 Ford Ranger
2004 Chevy Cavalier
Nankang suck!!! Mine feel like square tires. Side walls are weak. Please look into better tires, dont't make the mistake i did and cheap out on your tires.
I agree that the 712's are the best of the lot, but you can definatley find other tires that are "better" in my opinion. The 712's have a weak sidewall and they are suprisingly hard for their treadwear.
Hankook>Kumho 712's/the others
I have the HRII's and was utterly impressed, they've lasted one summer with tons of abuse already

I like my Falkin's. The fk-451 225-40-zr-18 will run about 110
The Khumo 711 are adequate, affordable..but noisy and harsh
My opinion from experience.
Say it with me, "Its not what you know...It's what you can prove"
I have nankang since last year and a half, and have putted about 30k to them,,, they are still in excellent shape......
but if they all cost the same, get the best brand....
I got Nankang and they ride pretty good...But I had a really good deal on my wheels so they gave me the cheapest set of tires...Get Perelli's?
Kuhmo ECSTA Supra 712's
(as long as they are NOT for winter)
"Your Premier Source For Automotive Neon & Accessories!"
712's are alright if you just want them for driving, but in terms of pushing them, well they lose it easily....not too fun in the rain either.
Granted all the tires you listed are basic package options and not performance tires, but if you have suspension upgrades and enjoy
driving your car hard, I'd go with the Hankooks.
I planned on getting Azenis to match my Falken wheels, but the more I think about it I may be upgrading to the more performance oriented Hankooks as my HRII's have been great to me and have impressed others who have rode with me.
Kevin, ask James how the Hankooks perform, I only wish I had video of me throwing my car into this corner out by Nick's house a couple weeks ago with James following.
I like the kumos 712 and the federal 595 are both great wet weather tires and the 711 are good in a wide array of weather condition but I'd say go the 712's great and sticky if you get the 712 you'll love them
cardomain page
i have the federal SS595 same size and everyting and i like them. I am not an aggressive driver but they do pretty well when i get crazy, really good in wet weather. thats my experience with them and I live in Kansas
hugs and hand pounds, peace
Thanks again for all your comments and feedback!
I will be ordering the tires within a month....so I will most likely go with Kuhmo or the Federals.
Thanks again,
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I ride on khumo ecsta asx tires and my friend has the supra 712 and he thinks that mine are better but to be honest, after driving both cars, i can't really tell a difference.
Iss ull gud
Honestly, they are all cheap tires and probably won't last long anyway. So I'd start thinking about what you are going to replace them with
Performance cars do not win car shows and show cars do not win races.
It's up to you to decide which you'd rather win.