where can i find them?
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
i think edgeracing still has those the cheapest at like, $188, everywhere else breaks 200 by a bit. which offset are you going to go with? 35mm or 48mm??
I have an aquamarine teal color sunfire gt that im going to put some bronze fn01r-c's on, im getting 215's, 17X7, 48m
^^^^ matt dont get 215's , get 225/45's
youll be alot happier
also the 48mm , will suck them things in kinda far , id stock with a 35-45 , and id try to keep them in the middle of that range
mine are 38mm , and the front sits nice
jesus christ... another person getting these wheels... im gunna have to sell my 17x8's and go with something new
slammed an boosted at 8psi.. daily driven.
hmmm, i had figured with a 225 and a 35 i'd be poking out the fender. i am in a sunfire so i don't know if the fenders sit out the same. Thats my biggest problem with these wheels right now. WHICH DAMN OFFSET TO GET!!
its just that the stock 205's sit about flush with the fender now, if i throw a 225 on there witha 35m instead of the stock 42 i think it was...........i looks like im ridin mexighetto/ still can't decide
sorry but i forgot....
illd9, which offset did you go with? i'd really help me out to know.
17x8 with a 35mm offset.. they dont stick outside the top of the fender at all but the way are body lines are, they stick out inch or two at bottom.. i personally love the look
dumped an boosted at 8psi.. daily driven.
actually im wanting the 17x7s
1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85