OK guys here you go as promised.
Tools Needed
1. Angle Grinder
2. Electric Drill
3. Sandpaper
4. 80-100 Grit Disk for Angle Grinder
5.150-200 Grit Disk for Drill
6. Paint Stripper
8. Metal Scraper
9. Steel Wool
10.220,800,1200,2000 Grit Sand Paper
Safety Equipment
1. Respirator(recommended at least a dust mask)
2. Face Shield or Safety Glasses
3. Heavy cloth or leather gloves
4. Rubber Gloves
1. First step is to clean the wheels.
2. Next step you will be using the angle grinder. Remember to keep moving because if you stay in once spot for more then a second it will grind right in to the aluminum. Use the angle grinder to remove all accessible paint and to also fix any curb check and markings on the wheel. I cant exactly tell you how because every wheel and defect will be different. Just take you time but keep the grinder moving. If need be use a 150 grit disk instead of a 100 just so you don't burn into the wheel. You can also use the angle grinder to reshap any aluminum that needs tweaking. Just be very careful and take your time.
3. Put the 150-200 grit disk in the drill and now use it to remove all the paint and defects in all areas that were not accessible with the angle grinder.
4. This step is not necessarily needed but can be done. I used Paint stripper to remove any leftover paint that i couldn't get with the above methods. Again this isn't needed but will make a better finished product. Just follow the directions on the can.
5. Clean the wheel.
6 Prime the wheel. I recommend a Self Etching Primer since it will be adhering to bare metal but its up to your own judgment.
7 After you have built up a few layers of primer its not time to sand with 220ish grit sand paper to get everything nice and smooth.
8 After sanding the primer clean the wheel again.
9.Now its time to paint. I'm not gonna get into the details of how to paint. Just follow the recommend instructions for the paint.
10. Clear
11. Wet sand the wheel. I would start with 800 to get and runs out. Then 1200-2000
to get rid of any orange peel and to give a smooth glass like surface.
12. Polish with a rubbing compound of our choice.
13. Wax the wheel and you all done. Get the tires mounted and look at the fruits of your labor. Just make sure when the mount the tire they mount it from the back side of the rim so they don't mess up your brand new paint.
Note: I nor anyone following my instructions is a professional. I will take no responsibility for damage to yourself or any property from following these steps. This is a guide and not an exact how to because every wheel is different and your going to have to adjust to that. Please use extreme care when useing any of the electric tools used in this How-to. It would be very easy to hurt yourself.
WOW, that is an incredible step by step instruction and it came out amazing for ya...
Yeah I am gonna buy some junk rims off ebay now! Good write up