Will aircraft stripper pull powder coating off? If not do you know what will? I would prefer not to sand.
you should be able to find an aluminum finish stripper, i dont know how well it will work on powdercoat because its baked on. i think its more for painted wheels, but some one else might be able to clarrify. you can find wheel stripper at most auto parts stores.
Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
Its a total b*tch to sandblast off, I have heard you need to bake it off to get rid of it.
if on steel wheels. i put it in the oven for 30 mins on 600 degress. then hit it with glass beads really fast and it works.. but thats my way as i do powercoating for a living.. heh
yes, ive used aircraft stripper before to take off powdercoating and it works.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -