but back on topic you should keep the wheels you have know they just look so good on your car
01 cavi 4 door
big changes coming in 07
mods please delete this dont kno what happend
01 cavi 4 door
big changes coming in 07
back on topic, learn how to post
lol newbs
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
im sorry but i am not a newb i have been on this board for 2 years. i went to post the comment in the post but when i hit the post button a page popped up and said web site expired and i exited out of it , the next thing i know i have started a new topic. like i said above please delete this usless post and please no more comments
01 cavi 4 door
big changes coming in 07
why hasnt a mod deleted this pointless thread...?
Why hasn't anyone who wants this to be deleted, contacted a mod so they could do so? Mod's usually don't lurk around in the less popular forums.