Well in the past anytime ive used tire shine over time the tires have turned brown. I do not want that to happen as it looks like ass when not using the tire shine. If anybody has used a tire shine which has not done this please let me know what the brand is.
I use Meguiars Tire Shine never had a problem yet, even used it on tires that were so brown from dirt and the end result was like the tires were brand new
Is the one I use. I don't find I like the spray on ones as much. This one lets you actually scrub the tire.
Gold Class Endurance is the product name.
I find the best thing to use on tires are S-O-S pads. They clean the tire to a nice deep black, it doesn't have the glossy 'tire shine' finish, but i love how they look so clean, and looks like time was spent cleaning them. I usually use 2 SOS pads for all 4 tires.
Here is my procedure:
Wet tires
Scrub tire with S-O-S pad
sponge wash with soap the tires
i use armor all bleech white tire spray... something along those lines!!!
wet the tire, spray this one, scrub tire, hose off.... repeat! i usually do it two time per tire. look great, i think.
this is what i use....
spray that on and then hose it off. its a very very good degreaser. the water that comes off the tire usually ends up being brown because of all the dirt. i have tested this stuff and it doesnt seem to dry out the rubber.
after that i use this....
the michelin stuff leaves a nice long lasting shine. it is the only product michelin will warrant their tires on if you use it.
just dont use anything that contains alot or any silicon bases. the silcon (from what i have heard), causes the oils to be drawn out of your tires. the drawing of the oils out of the tires is what causes them to get all dry and brown out.
1997 RedR - ZedR
I use the turtlewax tire gel and love it. little weird when your putting it on but it lasts for a while.
Quicklilcav- is it just me or are your directional tires (at least the one on the left front) mounted backwards in your sig?
1997 RedR - ZedR
The main thing thats probably turing your tires brown is that the shine is on there too long. If youre jsut spraying more and more on then its not going to come out nice. Try cleaning them inbetween shine applications. Definatly don't need to scrub them with an S.O.S. pad like mentioned above, but it sounds like a good idea to do the first time just to get em really clean. But jsut car soap and water is fine.
"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
heres what i use. the shine last a few days, but of course my car never stays parked for more than one day. just went over 83,*** miles.
Try some whitewall cleaner... spray it on theiere with a bottle, let it set for a little bit then hose blast it off and put on your shiner
U use regular old Armorall. I hate all these oily tire dressings that make dirt stick to your tires.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.