just trying to see what a 18 x 7.5 with a 40 mm offset and 225/40r18 would look like with a 1.5 inch drop, trying to see if the rim will stick too far out or if it will look good, if you have pics from the front that would be great, I am more worried about the front than the rear.
I forgot, I have the KYB AGX and there is not much clearance with the 205/55r16 close to the spring perch(if that is what it is called, the lower part that the spring rest in), would the 225/40r18 rub on it?
lowered 1.5", no it wont rub
I hope not, I know the 225/40r18 are very very close in size, but it is very tight to the strut, thanks
theres plently of people running a 7.5" wide wheel. you'll be fine
it'll look great.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
I am looking into two rims right now,both 18X7.5, the r1 racing hype 40 mm offset
and the exel DL 46 Hyper light 45 m offset
which look almost like a match to Viper's,
I think the exel's will look better(look higher class and they cost less at about 550, once I pay for shipping and brokerage fees it should run me about 700 canadian I think, I might even order an extra rim in case I mess one up too much so I don't have to ditch the whole set if they get discontinued ),
know of other rims that look the same but may be a better cost(shipped from canada to avoid brokerage fees)?
Joe Schulte has the exel rims, I think they look very clean, set the car off really nice
borrowing joes pic for an good example
very nice look joe!,
both are nice sets of wheels.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
know of anyone that sells wheels like this?
steve whitehead wrote:know of anyone that sells wheels like this?
are you serious?
the website is right on the picture. wheelmax.com
I can almost get what your looking for.
18X8, 225/40-18 tires 40mm offset and Eibach prokit and AGX's
So if you have a 7.5" rim, you'll be kosher bro, i have the toyo fenders lined up to be installed since my rims are quite wide and i want to tuck them eventually.
outside of the one from wheelmax.com,
just wanted to know if there was a source that had a rim that was almost identical to the one I found,
I got the picture from wheel max so I hope that you are joking,
thanks for the pics, I might see if a 45 offset might sit a little better with the front fender, I don't want to have to get the yoda fenders to have it fit the way I want it too.
as it is it kinda looks like the wheel if sticking out, but I have a fully stock cav outside of lowering it right now, so that could be it too.
well iirc exel wheels are made by wheelmax and i think thats the only place you will find them.
steve whitehead wrote:StrippedCav98
outside of the one from wheelmax.com,
just wanted to know if there was a source that had a rim that was almost identical to the one I found,
I got the picture from wheel max so I hope that you are joking,
thanks for the pics, I might see if a 45 offset might sit a little better with the front fender, I don't want to have to get the yoda fenders to have it fit the way I want it too.
as it is it kinda looks like the wheel if sticking out, but I have a fully stock cav outside of lowering it right now, so that could be it too.
Well i had aftermarket CF fenders and i had to tweak them a little bit so i am not sure if they are close to where the stock ones were. Also my wheels are 8"s wide and not 7.5" I feel thats really what put them out so far. But i know for a fact the fenders have some what of an alignment issue. But good luck with getting your rims man.
thanks, I think I will likely at least wait until the spring, give myself alot of time to see if that is what I want