Like title says I want to sand off the rust on my steelies and paint them black again. Any suggestions on what type of Paint I should use? Has anyone done this?
I just painted my alloy rims black. I used krylon fusion satin black and they came out real nice. Dupli-color also have some enamal paints that would most likely mork good. Just make sure you get all the rust and put down a couple good coats of primer. If you really want your paint job to last i suggest putting a couple coats of clear over the base color. Good luck.
If you have access to it a sandblaster would be better
I'm gonna do mine in Rustoleum Gloss black.
Bah. Sand em down, prime them, and paint them rust red/orange.
2010 Honda Fit LX
and steelies are worth that much? lol nice
ʇı ɹǝʍo7 | ǝcoMonstǝrs
i would suggest exactly what chris said
ʇı ɹǝʍo7 | ǝcoMonstǝrs
$60 a piece locally to have any 16in or smaller rim sandblasted and powder coated. It's well worth it for the longevity and look.
I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
paint the center of the rim black then match the outer part, i guess you could call it the lip, the same color as your car.