I just got reverse glow gauges off ebay.........the kit comes with a dimmer and green to blue switch
my question is this....
Would i be able to trash the stock dimmer and put the one with the kit in its place or should i just put it (dimmer with kit) under the steering?
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN
i actually tucked the dimmer/color switch in the glove box. keeps it out of sight since i never use it. if you wire up your gauges right, the stock dimmer switch will still lighten/brighten the new gauges.
how do you wire it to your factory dimmer switch? I just got mine in the mail today and there is no instrutions!!!!!! I know how to replace the gauges but I am not ciertain about the wiring!
Wire it into the Brown wire that comes from your turn signal indicator. Remove the top half of the steering column and you'll see it.
i spliced into the wiring harness for the stock gauges... find the wire that becomes active when you switch on your headlights and that will work to power your new gauges.
If your gauge are reverse EL (as apposed to just white face), then they have their own power supply and dimmer knob. That knob will dim the new EL gauge faces, but it won't dim the needles, odometer, or HVAC illumination. Those items will still be dimmed by the regular dimmer knob. I mounted my EL gauge dimmer knob right next to the factory dimmer knob, where the factory fog light switch would normally go. The EL power supply fit nicely behind the factory dimmer knob next to the knob wiring. All the wiring you'll need for the EL gauges is right there at the factory dimmer knob.
You can tap into the brown wire at the steering column, like Jabba says (double-check the color using a voltmeter, however), or you can tap into the same wire at the dimmer knob. Just be sure you don't tap into the power lead that is dimmed (I think it's blue, but not sure) or the dome light wire (I think that one is white, but again not sure). Check the voltage as you roll the dimmer knob - an undimmed wire won't fluctuate in voltage like a dimmed wire will.
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Thanx to all of u for ur help......im just gonna put the switches down below the steering in easy reach........im not in to messing with all the wiring and crap
you scratch my ride IMA EAT YO CHILDREN