Ok, Im doing a 3800 swap and I want to use the gtp dash and hud display. Can anyone tell me how i can mold them in. Fiberglass? I dont know much about molding but does anyone think it can be done? Please help me out. Will the HUD work on a cavalier winshield, Is it special glass?
3800 series II supercharged swap in progress
Not now, but someday!
Talk to Z2Flip4. He is swapping his dash.
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
I don't think you need the whole GP dash for the HUD, and I know our glass will work. Americonium tried this a while back, but I don't think he ever completed. Search for HUD in the interior forum. I'm assuming that the HUD is just a module that collects data from various wires and throws it through a window on the dash to the windshield. If so, find out what wires hook to what and go to town. Then tell me exactly how you did it
Convert 00+ headlights to 95-99
I am doing the whole swap not just the hud because i am swapping the motor and our cluster doesnt work with the GTP wiring and computer. I will be using the gtp hud and engine management display. I just wanna know how i could form a dash around it.
3800 series II supercharged swap in progress
Not now, but someday!
Oh my bad, then Fiberglass would be the only way to go, and I'm not the one to talk to about that. I do know our glass will work though. Good luck man
Convert 00+ headlights to 95-99
if you want to form a dash around the gauges, etc, maybe you could look into getting a fiberglass dash from winksonline. i think its a full dash replacement. and if it is, then itll bolt right up and you can glass it around however you want. maybe that would work?
<img src="http://www.tabascoracing.com/images/splash_01.jpg"><a href="http://www.tabascoracing.com">
Tabasco=I'll check into winks online, It may be worth it to do that
kenwood kav= thanks for the info man
3800 series II supercharged swap in progress
Not now, but someday!
Ive tried the Heads up display before as well and repeatedly came short on fixing the damn ghosting issue. The only way to run a flawless HUD image on glass is to get the Window wedge, which unfortunitly will cost a pretty penny for a new windshield incorporating the window wedge. Many use the foil or sticker to get a good image, but all it does is block your view then.
Fact 1:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely
^^^^^^^Did you try that on your 900 HP Kia?
Hee hee hee!
My Cars slower than your Car!! wrote:^^^^^^^Did you try that on your 900 HP Kia?
Hee hee hee!
Where does it say 900 hp kia? Yesh, it made less then 400.
But no, i tried it on the fire. It didnt work, But i do have a full set of defi gauges for sale.
Fact 1:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely