I did a search and found a link to a site that sold pre-2000 Dash Kits for Cavaliers, but does anyone know a site that sales them for the 03+ models?
Whoever said that nothing is impossible has never tried to slam a revolving door.
duz any1 know how 2 install those vinyl kits 4 an 03 cavy u can find on rvinyl.com????
itz not what u drive, itz what drivez u
Usually they come with 3M double-sided tape...
don't get them....they are REALLY CHEAP.....I bought a set for my 2002 cavalier and they wouldn't stick for sh**....Other might have had better luck with them but i didn't...just alittle heads up....
I bought one of those kits from Rvinyl and mine worked great - it is a very thin forgiving material. Once it gets hot and really sits in it is not as smooth looking but it does add color to your interior that is NOT permanent. It still looks good though. But that is my opinion