is there anyone that knows if theres any 95-99 Black face gauges that light up red????? Searched with no results.....Thanks!
For the 95-99 Cavalier with tach......sorry bout that.....
Blackcatcustom can do it for ya bro. He made my black faced blue backlit gauges 3 years ago.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
I have the stock gauges and all I did was change the bulbs. I used 194 bulbs. I was alittle tricky but it worked.
Kerwin Maldonado
SWEET GUYS! thanks for that site guys! I called them up and im gettin custom ones! for 119! SWEEEEET!
Im thinking about some black face gauges for my 02. still waiting to hear from blackcatcustoms
z2fst4u wrote:SWEET GUYS! thanks for that site guys! I called them up and im gettin custom ones! for 119! SWEEEEET!
For $10 you could go to and get 8 red LED and a pack of 5 270 ohm resistors for $7.80. Could save you over $110 and it looks really good. I did mine last summer and it looks great. I did the HVAC controls also. I'm happy with the result.
270ohms? What is the current draw through and voltage drop across the LED? A standard 2.3V red LED needs like a 470ohm resistor in an automobile...
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J-Body of Michigan -
I used metku mods led calculator, and I have 2 LED's drawing from each contact on the cluster. Has worked fine for almost a year.