I know this is on the sticky and has been answered many times but im still somewhat confused. Im going to try to paint my interior red and black. im a lil slow at times
, and need to know how to do this. im looking to paint my dash, little air vents, everything on the front. I want to either redo the headliner or dye it, which ever is eaiser. i dont have TONS of $$$ so im going to try to do it my self. i also want to redo the door panals and what not. Which part can i paint with certain paint. i know people keep saying vinyl this and plastic that, but im very confused. I need to know which part, specificly if u could, can be painted and what needs to be dyed, and what paint i cant touch. I cant do fiberglass so thats not a option, unless someone in the DFW. Texas area would like to do it for me. Like i said before i know its a sticky and i have searched and read about it on many posts, but im getting very confused. Thanks
First lets cover the basics, The upper part of your door panels, I.E the part above the line where the 2 peices are joined together, along with the upper dash is vinyl, the vents, lower door panels, handles etc. are all plastic.
2nd we'll cover some paints, when i did mine i used a product called Mar hyde for my vinyl, its dye in a can it sprays on smooth and dries in about 20 mins, dont touch it for about an hour to let it cure and if possible do it with direct sunlight on the part, also look for a product called mar hyde total prep its a degreaser, dewaxer, dust remover this is very important, you need to clean the parts very very well, the more prep time you put in the better the end result. For my plastic peices i used krylon plastic paint primer, it goes along way and once you clean the plastic peices and spray the primer any paint that krylon makes will bond to it, i painted my window cranks, the cover on the console that goes over the shifter, along with my trim peice that goes over the radio and gauge cluster. Very good stuff hasnt chipped, flaked or even collected dust lol.
3rd your headliner is gonna be a tough thing to redo and very very time consuming, dye is your best bet, a few companies make spray on carpet dye, krylon i beleive has an automotive line of dyes, paints and vinyl touch ups, a company called pj1 makes alot of great sprays as well and rksport sells them if i recall right. take your time see what you can get at a better price and have fun, autozone and oreilys sells mar hyde, wal mart sells alot of krylon, check autozone for any carpet dye, i beleive mar hyde makes a carpet dye to, good luck and have fun being creative.
Thank you very much, u helped me out alot.