Anyone here know how to do some fiberglassing work? i need a Custom dash, center console, door panels and aback seat panels. Im going to need a indash flip out 7inch screen, a 7inch mounted screen, a 10 inch screen, a ps2 and a xobox all mounted in the fiberglass. If anyone here can do the work for me let me know. I have a 03 cavi. thanks
have $2500?
Fact 1:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely
Brandon Saddoris wrote:Anyone here know how to do some fiberglassing work? i need a Custom dash, center console, door panels and aback seat panels. Im going to need a indash flip out 7inch screen, a 7inch mounted screen, a 10 inch screen, a ps2 and a xobox all mounted in the fiberglass. If anyone here can do the work for me let me know. I have a 03 cavi. thanks
Your looking at $$$$$$$ work, do it yourself, and do a search, its all explained everyday on these forums. And when you do a search , make sure its on "all dates" that way your'll get all the info your ever gonna need.
Fact 1:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely
we'll do it if you want to drive to WIndsor Ontario Canada.
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i suggest doing it yourself....a week ago i did a search and got alot of good adive... i since then went to a junkyard and picked up a rear deck lid for 10 bucks....
i started with that and so far it is looking very nice....i will have pics soon when it is completed...i just threw a coat of primer on it and still have a little bit of sanding to do then comes paint but its really not that hard
give it a try...its fun
96Z24Colorado wrote:i suggest doing it yourself....a week ago i did a search and got alot of good adive... i since then went to a junkyard and picked up a rear deck lid for 10 bucks....
i started with that and so far it is looking very nice....i will have pics soon when it is completed...i just threw a coat of primer on it and still have a little bit of sanding to do then comes paint but its really not that hard
give it a try...its fun
agreed. i started doing it a few weeks ago after reading endless ammounts of info on the subject, and its actually alot easier than i thought it would be. and its also fun too.
if you need any good links to learn how to do it, shoot me an IM or email.
ps - if you pay someone to do that for you, you are definately looking at a $2500 pricetag. i went to a shop to get a price on just the dashtop, and they said $400-500, so i said screw that, ill just learn to do it.
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hey Eazy, i want some link!!!!!!
hey eazy, werent you the one askin me about carbon awhile back? get a chance to mess with it yet? i'm thinkin of some more extreme mods for my car now, my next project will be to put a skull into my rear deck, still workin on that idea though
, might do my dash first lol, bottom line fiberglass is the 1 thing you will work with that gives you complete freedom, laying glass is super easy, the hardest part is the first time, get some resin, get some glass mat and a brush and mixing cup and follow all directions and start creating something, if you mess up dont worry about it, simply take some sand paper and fix it, if needed add more glass, body work is time consuming but its very rewarding to sit back and see what you created
for sure lookin at some dough...depending on how extensive you want your door panels and console i can see it exceeding 2500 EASY.
Ok, thanks for all the info guys, i decided to do it on my own. At least try it. With the peices do i glass over the orginal parts? or do i make it from scratch? And if i make itfrom scratch, how do i hook them back to the car? thanks again
hmm..maybe you SHOULD pay to have it done...lmao
glass over the original piece...but...umm....take the advice given and read up on this ALOT will help you and save us headaches having to read your mistakes
Well, first off i will most likly start on a smll project. I been reading about it ALOT and just making sure i am getting everything right. Even if i messed up, i wouldnt post, id be to embarresed
. I read on a differnt post that fiberglass will not stick to plastic, so how would i get it to stick on my main dash? and like the back seat side panels, i just glass over them, or do i make a old of some sort and make a new panel from glass. i know how to primer, sand, and paint it to look nice, just the glassing is the only problem. i can make my center console from wood and body filler to give it the shape i want, just need help with glass, thanks guys
Ya if I were you I'd learn how to do it yourself or your gonna be payin alot of cash for the hours it's gonna take to do all that. And like it was said above it is fun, knowing you can make anything your mind can come up with
you don't need to glass the plastic pieces unless you are customizing them and changing the shape...just sand it down and paint it. WOULD glass' something soft like the center console lid
ok, thanks guys for all the help so far. I got 1 more question. I want to do a complety custom center console that is a little bigger then the original, do i make a whole new consel, or just kinda built the new frame over the old consle? Thanks guys
iwould build over the original but thats just me....and fiberglass will stick to plastic if you do it right
oh and if you dont have a dremel....get one ... its amazing what help they are
center console lid is plastic wraped in vinyl just pull the vinyl, fill the holes and paint no need for fiberglass on it either
as for making a new center console that all depends on your design, do you want to use part of the stock on, or are you doing it completly diffrent, if your going to use parts of the stock on then just cut it up as u see fit and use what u need, if not, just yank it and build a completly new one. theres not allot of room in that area so no since in wasting space on something your not even using.!/Square1Photography