Ok I did everything I thought I was supposed to do... I was told to get some mean green and clean my dash... so I did so. Then mask and spray. Well to beat it all the damn vinyl is spotching and running and not settign in. now I figured my mistake was i didnt clean with warm water.... So I did it and it started looking better... but the spot that I messed up how do I get it off??? its still spotching in places. you think if I let it set in and go back over it with warm watered rag and spray again you think it will set? plz help
SCREW VINYL DIE SCREW IT SCREW IT GOSH DANG IT STUPID BIATCH! man that crap sucks and it doesnt stick nor set right at all on crack or crevices... there went a great dash down the drain.... anyone now how much it is to wrap a dash in tweed or vinyl? thanks
I vinyl dyed my dash and doors, no problems what so ever. It even looks stock and doesn't scape off. Proper prep work will make a world of a distance. It would have looked just as bad if you had painted it and not preped it. Not sure how to fix your problem. Also, not sure on how much to get the dash wraped.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/americanred/deplysig.gif">
How did you prep??? see where I went wrong
Mean green will leave an oilly residue. YOu should have cleaned with acholol prep pad or laquer thinner. Let dry fully, wipe dust off with DRY white cloth, then taped with BLUE painters tape, so no glue is left over when removing it. the primed and painted it.
Fact 1:
“Facts are meaningless. You could use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely
do you think I could wipe off the area and remask and try it again? You think that will work? I dont think it will all blink in correctly though. maybe I could sand it a little bit get the high spot and spray..... I dont know but it hurts the ego riding around in a messed up dash... lol
just wet sand it with about 1000 grit until the high spots are all down and then clean it the way lawnmowerracer said, and the spray the vynal dye on again, dont try to cover the whole thing in one coat, this will cause it to run, because vynal dye is fairly watery. To dye my first dash from charcoal grey to white, i think i used about 7-10 thin coats, and about 5 to dye my second dash from tan to black.
Will this dye flake or crack if the dash is bent?
I like to remove my dash for various projects at least once or twice a month.
Should I wait until I am done under there before applying the dye?
its dye, like you would die a shirt, it will not flake
im new to the form and i was reading this post cause i as well wanted to do my dash and it seems like what you guys are saying to dye the vinyl is clean it with something like greese and wax remover let dry then use vinyl dye (thats in a spray can right)
cleaning is everything, i vinyl dyed my car and the dash came out great except one spot when the temp dropped 10 degrees between coats, keep your temps high 70 or higher and it sprays very nice, clean really well and you should be fine, you can take sand paper, 600 grit will work if its not sticking well and sand down the dye, you'll get back down to vinyl real quick, DO NOT USE PAINT THINNER OF ANY KIND ON VINYL, you can dampen a rag real lightly and use it but you better be quick with some water, from what i've seen it eats gms plastic and vinyl real fast, take your time nothing is ever ruined.